Home OP-ED There They Go Again — I Demand ‘Equality’

There They Go Again — I Demand ‘Equality’


The memo must have been circulated when I was sleeping.

My Democrat friends are known for thinking up catchy but ambiguous handles to surprise inattentive people opposed to their adventurous ideas, and for slyly switching the meaning of words.

You probably have forgotten how when their global warming campaign failed it was born again, religiously speaking, as “climate change.”

When their abortion drive sank like a coin in a penny-pitch pool, they rang up the round-the-clock Democrat Demon Dept. of Name Changes, and overnight the nasty term abortion morphed into “reproductive rights.”

Oooh, Daddy, buy me one, too.

The rubes whom Democrats target often are easy to fool, or haven’t you checked the White House lately?

Opening my trusty copy of the Los Angeles Titanic this morning, I realized our most resourceful adversaries have engineered a new lexiconic coup.

The headline on Tim Rutten’s op-ed page essay read, “Marriage equality by vote.”

Over on the cover of the Business Section, Mike Hiltzik’s essay employed an odious, failed old term and was headlined “Same-sex marriage in the real world.”

The two gentlemen shared a common purpose, to make fun of normal people who think, stodgily, that marriage was only intended for a man and a woman.

How camp.

How unequal. May I marry my ladder? She’s single.

Why do the Democrat boys never consider right or wrong? They confine their arguments to “equality,” which only they get to define as a strangling gordian knot?

Lest you think the publicly confessed liar Mr. Hiltzik gave in to his lesser instincts, be still my racing heart. He opens with this dull but reliably liberal literary gem:

“The most important recent advance on the marriage equality…occurred in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Los Angeles.”

And then he goes on to xerox blather he has written many times, belittling his philosophical enemies who support the Defense of Marriage Act, accusing them of interfering in our lives.

Isn’t that rich, coming from the party that makes a living intruding, and flipping over, our daily regimen?

The Titanic could have saved an ocean of ink by telling the two boys to intertwine their profundities into a single piece, sparing us normal people the agony of laboring through both bramble bushes.

If the boys had melded their brilliance, I could have saved 30 minutes and utilized the time to end world hunger, reduce greenhouse gases or changed the climate in my neighborhood.

Marriage equality?

Forget A’s. Is there a B or C student in this class of Democrats?

Who thought that up in the shallow end of the gene pool?

Help, I’m a Victim, I’m a Victim, Democrats cry as they race up and down our depressed country.

Is there one liberal in the whole country who knows more history besides Mr. Washington being the first President?

Is there one liberal in America, even a non-adult, who isn’t angry?

Have you ever seen a leftist smile? I haven’t, and I am older than you.