Home OP-ED Russians Are Playing Swish for a Daily Fool Again

Russians Are Playing Swish for a Daily Fool Again


Perhaps the most revealing lesson we have gained from the overwhelmed amateur who slipped into the White House is that he has less patience than a man on his way to be hanged.

The nearly 3,000-page Obamacare bill had to be passed in such a rush last March that not one person in Washington — including the Joke Who Became President — has yet claimed to have read the entire product. Nevertheless he has been trying to sell it to the people — without success — for eight months as if he understood it.

His lack of comprehension is staggering.

Overt Clues Don’t Help Him

Except for 90 percent of blacks and 100 percent of illegals, an impressive chunk of the country — including the radical left — appears to be unmasking this slim-minded factory worker trying to occupy in the boss’s chair.

A therapist would have fun playing with the fungible minds of Swish and Mad Michelle. They have constantly been running away from problems that confuse them for the past 107 weeks. Swish’s foolproof formula for governing:

When an issue stumps you, quit town.

Between them, Swish and Mad have logged more emoty travel miles than the top ten astronauts cumulatively. That tells you how many hundreds of problems have baffled him.

By the time Swish nercifully is driven from office, he and Mad will have accumulated so many frequent flyers miles that they will be able to send all of their deadbeat relatives to the moon and back the first Saturday of the month for the rest of their lives.

His Redistribution Scheme

They won’t need all of the earned wealth of America that Swish desperately has been trying to redistribute among the laziest Americans since coming to power.

The latest challenge to bamboozle easily confused Swish is the extremely heavily promoted Let’s Agree That We and the Russkis Will Throw Away All Our Guns — or at Least We Will to Make the World Safer.

Russia loves this guy. They invite him out back to their crap games every night, and he thinks it is because he is the Messiah.

Swish is more naïve than a kindergarten boy away from home for the first time. He feels inspired to reprove it daily. Greener than a small-town kid at a big-time university, his comprehension of the day-to-day job is invisible..

Since having his lunch handed to him on Election Day, Swishie has been buttonholing grownups all over town, begging them to tell their Congressmen they must pass this “mutual” arms-surrender pact during this silly lame-duck session. Otherwise, he straight-faces, we won’t be able to verify that those towers of tolerance and integrity, the boys at the Kremlin, are fulfilling their wing of the bargain.

What do you expect from someone who admires Chavez, Fidel and St. Assad in Syria while demonizing Mr. Netanyahu in Israel? What would you expect from a greenie who chose Charlie McCarthy, a laughing-stock in his own home, as his Vice President?

The comedically amateurish accoutrements of this proposed “agreement” aside, Swish accidentally neglects to mention that he — not President Bush — purposely allowed this treaty to expire last Dec. 31.

If it was so darned urgent that we keep an eye on the Russian hoodlums — and it is — where has he been for the past 10 months? Crawling under the blankets with the planet’s worst tyranmts.

The eminent Washington thinker Charles Krauthammer nailed Swish’s embarrassingly amateur mind again this morning in the Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/25/AR2010112502232.html), which opens this way:

It's a lame-duck session. Time is running out. Unemployment is high, the economy is dangerously weak and, with five weeks to go, no one knows what tax anyone will be paying on everything from income to dividends to death when the current rates expire Jan. 1. And what is the President demanding that Congress pass as “a top priority”? To what did he devote his latest weekly radio address? Ratification of his New START treaty.

Good grief. Even among national security concerns, New START is way down at the bottom of the list. From the naval treaties of the 1920s to this day, arms control has oscillated between mere symbolism at its best to major harm at its worst, with general uselessness being the norm.

The reason is obvious. The problem is never the weapon; it is the nature of the regime controlling the weapon. That's why no one stays up nights worrying about British nukes, while everyone worries about Iranian nukes.

Swishie obviously has not profited from his overwhelmingly defeating experience with The Smiling Dwarf in Iran since a year ago last June.

(But you may remember why: The Smiling Dwarf funneled tens of millions, surreptitiously, into the Swish campaign.)

“Whatever you say, Smiling,” was Swishie’s best line to come out of his baloney threats to the Dwarf during the 17 months since the lunatic was magically re-elected in a phantom vote count that President Donald Duck astonishingly validated. You may recall the Puerile President said that if the Persian mullahs claimed 47 million votes from who knows how many precincts could be hand-counted in less than 5 hours, he would not dispute them.

And this guy is driving our bus?

Maybe he will yet trade sides.