Home News Two Conflicting Views of West L.A. College’s New On-Campus Summer Bus Sked

Two Conflicting Views of West L.A. College’s New On-Campus Summer Bus Sked


[Editor’s Note: After West L.A. College issued its on-campus summer bus schedule, outlined below, Bob Howells of nearby Lakeside Villas today offered an opposing view as a spokesperson for adjacent homeowners. The two views follow.]

Pending no objection from the City Council on Monday, June 13, the Culver CityBus will modify its on-campus service schedule to West Los Angeles College for the summer.

Direct service to the campus will run every 40 minutes, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Thursday from June 20 to July 31.

There will be no on-campus service Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays.

This summer, due to budget cuts, the college will not be able to offer for-credit classes. However, it anticipates at least 5,000 students will seek Admissions Office, Counseling, Financial Aid and other student services throughout the summer.

Additionally, the Westside Extension fee-based classes program anticipates nearly 4,000 students attending its career development, personal interest, fitness and youth courses.

West worked cooperatively with the Culver CityBus to create the summer schedule. Culver CityBus informed West that it believed the existing spring schedule would be providing more service than the college would likely need for this summer.

“We expressed our concern that some service was needed for the numerous students who will visit various student services and the bookstore over the summer,” said Betsy Regalado, WLAC Vice President of Student Services.

“Most of these offices are at the furthest point away from the on-campus and off-campus bus stops.

“This was of particular concern during the hottest parts of the day during the summer. After some discussion, I think we arrived at a schedule that will adequately meet our campus needs and address the concerns from Culver CityBus.

“An added benefit is the group of neighbors who are bothered by the bus noise will have additional relief in June and July.”

Pending approval from the City Council, the existing bus schedule, implemented on March 28, , will resume in August and remain in place throughout the coming fall semester.

The current schedule is a 50 percent reduction in on-campus service from prior years.

“While we have evidence that the schedule implemented in March is not optimal for our students,” said Dr. Rose Marie Joyce, West L.A. College President, “it is adequate at this time. We are interested in moving forward in a spirit of cooperation with our neighbors.”

Bob Howells, chair of Lakeside Villas Ad Hoc Committee on City and College Issues, responded today:

It remains our contention that on-campus bus service is an unnecessary waste of time, money and resources, as well as a source of horrendous noise pollution.

Bus schedules would be much more efficient and would better serve the community without the detour to West L.A. College.

That said, we have appreciated the reduction in on-campus bus service. Our lives are disrupted fewer times a day. It’s a good start.

As for the proposed summer schedule, buses running every 40 minutes strikes us as excessive for a campus that is not in session. There are convenient bus stops on Overland Avenue for the few campus visitors who might be expected to use the bus service.

(We have witnessed countless empty buses running uphill to the campus in summers past.)

The walk across campus is not difficult for anyone who is able-bodied, and transport for disabled students is a college responsibility, not a city responsibility, as the city has made very clear.

The college exhibits an audacious attitude of entitlement in its attempts to dictate bus schedules. The college does not run Culver CityBus. The city does. Or should.

Ms. Long-Coffee may be contacted at LongCofm@wlac.edu

Mr. Howells may be contacted at bob@howells.com