Home OP-ED A Titanic Reporter Abruptly Stops Flailin’ Palin. She’s Older Now.

A Titanic Reporter Abruptly Stops Flailin’ Palin. She’s Older Now.


Global warmies fruitcakes aside, it is a scientific fact — not climate change fiction — that men age more gracefully, more slowly than that other sex whose name escapes me.

Of all unlikely outlets, evidence surfaced anew this morning in the Los Angeles Titanic on page A-8. Beneath the headline “Palin’s bus tour starts on two wheels,” almost-defrocked reporter Robin Abcarian initiated her struggle to regain her former reputation for journalistic respectability.

Known in recent years for her poison-laced pieces against prettier Republican women and sharper Republican men, Ms. Abcarian, apparently having hitch-hiked to Washington for the holiday, launched her comeback toward professional decency in this edition.

In what either was a quirk or a desperate cry to redeem her rep as a journalist, Ms. Abcarian wrote a fair account of Sarah Palin’s eye-catching return to public life, joining military heroes participating in a motorcycle parade.

(See http://www.sarahpac.com/posts/images-from-rolling-thunder )

To place Sunday’s unusual event in context, I defer to the extraordinary John Hinderaker of powerlineblog.com:

“Sarah Palin's charm consists in part, I think, of her ability to draw from liberals, time after time, the outraged complaint: She can't do that! But she does, with a smile that drives a stake through their hearts. “[Sunday] it was the Rolling Thunder veterans' motorcycle event in Washington. We have written about Rolling Thunder before, but this year the highlight, as far as reporters were concerned, was Sarah Palin's participation. She, her husband Todd and two of their daughters greeted fans and rode motorcycles. The press, naturally, couldn't resist: This was the beginning of Palin's bus tour of the northeastern states, which may or may not be the beginning of her Presidential campaign.

“In principle, other politicians could do the same thing. Maybe some have. What is different about Sarah Palin and her family is that they look natural on motorcycles…Heck, if one of the motorcycles broke down, Todd undoubtedly could fix it.”

How an Aging Doll Reacts

And now Ms. Abcarian must receive her due. Smells like a comeback, a recovery, a reawakening, to me.

Flailing furiously but fruitlessly against the onset of agedness, her onetime zoftig good looks are deserting her at the same sizzling pace Swish Obama flees Washington every morning.

Not a bad journalist years ago at the Daily News, Ms. Abcarian has savaged her once-valued image since jumping to the Titanic. She has specialized in old-broad-type stories (see the recent work of her aging hyper-partisan colleague Jean (I Am a Democrat Pearl) Merl.

Behaving with the desperation of a well-to-do liberal who suddenly finds herself homeless, Ms. Abcarian, metaphorically has stooped to the level of eating from garbage cans, plunging straight to the bottom of the Titanic’s vulgar stink tank, the hate factory that produces one of America’s angriest newspapers.

Ms. Abcarian’s hit pieces —routinely aimed at Republicans — tortured and twisted the truth as if it were a pliable piece of dough. Distortion was her strength. Did she have to drink or smoke something to put herself in such an ugly mood before knocking out her strangulation stories?

Sarah Palin, what a surprise, emerged as a favored bullseye of the mean-spirited, unimaginative, fumes-spewing Ms. Abcarian.

Is She Cured, Doctor?

She repeatedly attacked Ms. Palin as if she had just lost her free-spending boyfriend to a prettier, smarter maiden.

Is Ms. Abcarian’s waltz with the morally obscene side of journalism over?

Hopefully her unladylike conduct has dried up and blown away like a bad date or a standard Swish oration.

Not that it ever will be safe for the courageous, charismatic — and very attractive — Ms. Palin to doff any portion of her armor. Too many modern-day journalistic savages make their living on left-wing reservations by craving a Republican scalp at any price, truth be darned.