Home OP-ED If You Are Tired of Being Heavy, Here Is an Idea

If You Are Tired of Being Heavy, Here Is an Idea


[img]560|left|Nicholas D. Pollak||no_popup[/img]A new client called to say she had seen me talk at the local Y and would like to see me to help her lose weight.

Her life had been plagued by excess weight since she could remember.

In childhood, she had been rejected by slimmer classmates, and she was constantly ribbed about her size.

Her friends married, had children and lived good lives while she had no prospects. Finally sufficiently upset and motivated, she saved her money as well as mentally putting herself and became committed to being a thinner person. She had dieted, but she lost heart every time she saw only minor weight changes.

Her decision to use hypnotherapy resulted from hearing me talk. Habit patterns are locked within our subconscious, I said, and choices we willingly made have led us to our present place.

Thinking Thinner

By changing the subconscious image, by rewriting the script and creating a new vision of the way we want to be, we can make change come true. This opinion is something that I have expressed to many clients and it has been successful.

When you have decided that you want to lose weight, starvation is not recommended because harmful effects to your body. Hypnotherapy helps decrease or increase your appetite, reducing the desire for fattening foods, increasing your motivation to exercise, altering your eating habits, elevating a taste for healthy foods.

It will help you reach your goal weight while ending night time snacking caused by boredom, loneliness, anger or sadness.

A tip: If you are not hungry, emotion may be the only motivation to eat.

When losing weight, watch your sugar intake. Research shows sugar can weaken the immune system, hurry the aging process, raise stress levels, contribute to Type II diabetes, and creating more fat in your body. Sugar and sweets are fine in small, infrequent doses.

Hypnosis is the perfect tool for re-educating your subconscious mind to reduce your cravings and food impulses and to give you back your choices for healthy foods to eat.

Permanent weight loss occurs with a change in lifestyle. Hypnosis helps you make the changes.

Weight loss begins in the mind. Every weight loss program works better if you exercise. Hypnotherapy motivates you to exercise.

A Bushel of Benefits

Hypnosis rearranges the way you think about food, it stops the struggle, and helps you to enjoy exercise.

End self- sabotaging by working out more. You will feel better about yourself and you will lose the excess weight.

Hunger is the physiological need of the body. Cultural/habitual eating can stimulate appetite and lead you to eat when you are not hungry, just participating to be sociable.

I know a woman who is a victim of cultural eating. For this season she is becoming obese. She refuses to make the social change that could save her life.

One who is dieting must be aware of controlling his appetite or risk swelling because of fats. The two terms should not be interchanged. Hypnotherapy will help control the appetite not the hunger.

The brain transmits hunger to the body when the body lacks the calories to maintain sufficient energy to be capable performing needed tasks, thus stimulating hunger. Though the body is not disabled when one is hungry, hunger can weaken a person, causing internal activities to slow. When that happens, weight loss is reduced.

Weight loss occurs when one eats the right foods and exercises in a consistent manner. As Dr. Laura Schlesinger says, “If you want to lose weight, eat half as much and work out twice as long.”

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321 or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net