Home Letters Truthfully, Mielke Is the Opposite

Truthfully, Mielke Is the Opposite


Re “Mielke Should Stop Being a Problem

This is in response to Mr. Steinfeldt's letter yesterday about Dave Mielke, the President of the Teachers Union, being a problem.

Has all people lost their minds?

Our teachers are the backbone of our future.

Education is not any longer just about reading and writing. Today teachers are faced with serious issues in the classroom. They go above and beyond their duties of creating exams and grading papers.

I have known Mr. Mielke for about 15 years. I had the pleasure of working with him when he was a teacher at Culver Park Continuation High School.

He is an excellent teacher, a wonderful father and a great person.

I think it is sad that our educational emergency has come down to personal attacks.

Let's stop this madness and start putting our energies into making things better for our schools, teachers and Classified staff.

In the end, this will only benefit our children. Let's set a great example for them: When things get tough, the tough get moving, not slinging mud at each other.

Ms. James may be contacted at jjlayp1@aol.com