Home OP-ED School Board and Redevelopment Agency: Stupidity Is the Winner

School Board and Redevelopment Agency: Stupidity Is the Winner


I have been wanting to respond to several articles recently published
In The Front Page Online, but time remains a factor.

Lately there has been a snowball effect with the City Council dba the Redevelopment Agency and the School Board.

Between the two, whew!

It’s like trying to keep up with drops of water on a red hot grill. STUPIDITY has no limitations.

See “School Board’s Siever: ‘There Has to be Protocol’”

My suggestion to Dr. Patricia Siever: Read thefrontpageonline.com more often for the pulse of the real happenings in Culver City politics.

The other No News Is Good News outlets are restrained (controlled by $$$$$$).

See “Cough, Cough. Evaluating, Ahem, the State of Newspapers in Culver City”

I am no longer amazed at the actions of Culver City’s elected/selected
politicians City Council dba  the community Redevelopment Agency and
the Culver City Unified District School Board.

Culver City politicians are not unlike most other politicians — “SELFISH,”
“IGNORANT”  and “GREEDY,” except that they bring “STUPIDITY” to the mix.

See “A Slightly Skeptical Perspective on the Community” and “Seeing the City Through Wary Eyes”

I got my first inkling that something was not all that cool with the people of
Culver City during my run (more like a stroll) for School Board.

Early in the race, I suggested a slight change in the protocol for a questioner that Attorney Zeidman had written for all the candidates. My only suggestion was that it include a written, sealed response to all the questions and also have the two returning Board members answer the question.

At the time I thought it was a fairly simple request.

Attorney Kathy Paspalis responded by email that the format was set and that we
had to abide by the rules. No other candidates responded. Attorney Zeidman’s
response is below. 

See “Zirgulis, Corlin, Abrams Make News on Eve of Dem Club Candidates’ Forum”

I am no attorney (thank GOD). But I did graduate from the UCLA Attorney Assistant Program (top of the class, thank you).

That is when I realized that being an attorney is a very boring way to make a living. Doesn’t require too much intellect. Before you accuse me of calling all lawyers stupid, come to your own conclusions.

Anyway, not all lawyers are stupid, just most of them. It does
not matter which law schools that  they attend, either.

See “Can Anyone Stop the Educational Terminator?”

Culver City’s love affair with attorneys is manipulated by the powers (two
families) who control who is selected or elected to positions (see article
above, “slightly skeptical”).

Guess who controls the City Council dba the Redevelopment Agency and the CCUSD School Board? Attorneys, as in “FEES.” 

I hope I am not being wrongly accused of attorney-hating. Exactly the opposite.
Remember UCLA. I’m a semi-attorney myself. I know how they operate, that’s all.

Maybe I shall enlighten the uninformed (most of the citizens of Culver City).
Most politicians lie because that is accepted and expected of them.

The difference between regular and attorney-politicians is that most of the
uninformed do not expect the attorneys to lie. This may come to many of you as a surprise, but “LIES” are part of the unwritten job description of attorneys.

Attorneys can “LIE” (as in liar) in court. The only word an attorney “FEARS”
more than “UNDER OATH” is “PERJURY.” Other than that, attorney-politicians have no problem “LYING” to the taxpayers.

During the campaign for School Board, there was a televised forum at the City
Hall Council Chambers. I openly challenged the backers to debate the merits of the popular Parcel Tax Measure EE.

No takers, ever. I forgot that I mentioned debate

See “The Real Trenches Are in the Classroom Where Cuts Affect Students and Learning”

Do not think for a moment that the “MACHINE” would pass up any opportunity
to discredit me, if they could. They had already taken their shots at Mr. “Z,” Robert Zirgulis, on his oil position.

See “Zirgulis Lashes Back at Critics, by Name, Twice — He Vows Not to Back Down”

My professional advice to you, Dr. Siever, is to take a deep breath and protect
your health.

See “Did Upset Over Vote Drive School Board Member to the Hospital?”

You are no match for the attorney-led majority School Board. Stupidity has a
way of self-destruction (remember Cheney-Bush?). Maybe the Culver City taxpayers will wake up one day and stop playing follow-the-leaders (do as you are told) before it is too late.

Maybe the next School Board election later this year will yield a
knowledgeable, honest and common sense Board member to join the educators
in making sound decisions that put the interests of students first.

I promised during my campaigning days to start a kids union, I have joined an
organization called Students First. Our chapter is Culver City’s Student’s
First Union.
See studentsfirst.org

While we are on the subject of stupidity, I noticed that the City Council dba the Redevelopment Agency found almost a half billion dollars they hurriedly dispersed to all the connected.

Four hundred and thirty million dollars was gone in 15 minutes. School District? $000,000. (Reported only in thefrontpageonline.com)

This is the second time that the School Board has missed an opportunity to
secure funds for the School District.

Remember the 4043 Irving Pl. $6 million City Council-dba-the-Redevelopment-Agency scam?

The one where the District’s Superintendent, Patti Jaffe, had to wait past midnight to request consideration for District meetings in the City Council dba the Redevelopment Agency’s chambers?

I always wondered why the Superintendent of the School District would do such a menial task. (Knows who is boss?)

In the hood, it’s called “jumping through hoops.”

See “Keeping an Eye on Our Dollars as They Are Wheeled Away”

And now the $half billion ($430 million)?
Attorneys Gourley, Paspalis and Zeidman, where were you? Still salivating over the measure EE Parcel Tax $1.2 million?

Reliable sources report that the City Council dba the Redevelopment Agency and School Board entered into a gentlemen’s agreement that if the Board waived its claim to any of the Redevelopment Agency’s “BOOTY” ($430 million that the City Council would allow them to use the Council Chambers one day a month (try it on for size) made front page news in the C.C. Observer

And if they did not make any noise about the $$$$$$$, they might consider
moving the highly distinguished Cultural Affairs Commission meetings to another day to make way for the lowly regarded School Board’s second meeting of the month.

How did the School District search get so complicated?

“IGNORANCE,” or “STUPIDITY” or both?

Just as good an answer as anything else. “FEES.” $20K. Is that all, really?
They will never tell. Still working on evaluating the Board members and what
they are saying. How did the District get so complicated?


As good of an answer as anything else.

Mr. Abrams may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com