Home News A Veteran Patriot in More Than One Way

A Veteran Patriot in More Than One Way


First in a series

The Difference Between McDonald’s and the Hamburgers at the VA


Larry Brezeale, green jacket, and Robert L. Rosebrock

While this newspaper publishes several regular essayists whose passion arguably is without peer, Robert L. Rosebrock has established his reputation in an uncrowded category, patriot.

One of today’s most disputed and bandied-about concepts, the designation of patriot fits into Mr. Rosebrock’s palms as comfortably and fully as each palm.

For the last half-dozen years, the native Hoosier has become known the breadth of the Westside as the bravest, brawniest and most persistent warrior for the rights of military veterans — especially the homeless, the sick, the ignored, the displaced, or as Mr. Rosebrock would say, Military Veterans.

He capitalizes words important to the history and health of his beloved America.

More than anyone, he has led a charge of aging Veterans to restore, in some cases, and preserve, in others, the state of the National Veterans Home in the heart of West L.A.

Freshly turned 69 years old, Mr. Rosebrock broke into public view in the Los Angeles Times when a Brentwood homeowner group took command of a portion of Veterans’ grounds, a war he has been waging without relief.

A “Vietnam Era Veteran,” as he describes himself, he is a tireless campaigner, an inveterate letter-writer and above all other qualities, shiningly respectful to all with whom he disagrees.

One month ago tomorrow, Mr. Rosebrock, the Last Home for Beleaguered Veterans, as many supporters see him, was honored by his own.

Larry Brezeale, Chairman of the National Veterans Coalition, with the fourth annual “America First” award, treading the path earlier carved by Sheriff Joe Arpiao of Maricopa County in Arizona, the best known sheriff in the country, Tom Tancredo, a Colorado politician fighting for clarity and enforcement along the Mexican border.

In tomorrow’s edition, Mr. Brezeale will talk about Mr. Rosebrock’s qualifications and the National Veterans Coalition.

(To be continued)