Home Letters Time for (Interim) Super to Act by Pink-Noticing Administrative Staff

Time for (Interim) Super to Act by Pink-Noticing Administrative Staff


Here is a copy of a letter I sent to (Interim) Supt. Patricia Jaffe regarding the (proposed reductions) RIFs in the Culver City Unified School District.

The School Board has been very reluctant to issue RIFs at the administrative level.

Mrs. Jaffe has responded to me that she does not have the authority to issue RIFs. But I believe that as the Superintendent she could speak up about keeping the cuts as far away from the classroom as possible.

Mrs. Jaffe's Board-approval meeting is not until March 16. I find it odd that the search to name the permanent Superintendent is being concluded the day after RIF notices are supposed to be sent.

Mrs. Jaffe:

I write this letter to you under the form of many different guises: Concerned community member, spouse of a CCUSD teacher, parent of current and future CCUSD students, and fellow educator.

I have been attending recent Board meetings and have observed the reluctance of the Culver City Board of Education to address the issue of issuing reduction in force notices to CCUSD administrators. In reviewing your contract for employment as superintendent I have noted the following:

“The Superintendent shall have the authority to organize and arrange the administrative and supervisory staff including instruction, personnel, business and operational affairs which in her judgment best serve the District.”

Since the Board has shown a reluctance to include administrative staff in bearing any meaningful burden of the RIF notices being sent to CCUSD teachers, I am asking you, as the leader of this District, to make the decision to issue an equitable number of RIFs to the administrative staff.

As a leader you have the unenviable task of guiding this District through these turbulent economic times. As educators, we all have the task of providing our students with the best opportunities to excel in learning.

Unfortunately, at this time, positions must be cut. I feel that in the best interest of all stakeholders, these cuts should be shared by administrative as well as certificated staff.

Your agreement with the District also states that your duties include “Providing educational leadership to ensure quality teaching and learning.” I believe that making cuts as far away from students as possible would demonstrate your commitment to this directive.

At the Board meeting when the Board made the decision to allow you to be considered for the permanent position remember that it was teachers, students, and parents who spoke up on your behalf. I urge you now to speak up on their behalf.

Thank you,
Brad Hodge

cc: Culver City Board of Education,
David Mielke, CCFT

Mr. Hodge may be contacted at bjhodge@pacbell.net