Home OP-ED Even When Biking, There Are Two Types of Riders

Even When Biking, There Are Two Types of Riders


[img]560|left|Nicholas D. Pollak||no_popup[/img]My wife, a professional photographer and journalist, was asked to cover a biking event, which was held by the Centers for Disease Control and the EPA to show the advantages and the health benefits of biking in Los Angeles. The event was fun for the 40 people who showed up.

My wife was focused on taking pictures and I concentrated on the bicycling personalities.

As a hypnotherapist, my perception of people is a different from most people. I tend to look at everyone from two general standpoints, their suggestibility, how they take in and speak out information, and their behaviors.

Opposite Reactions

I break suggestibility and behaviors into two main categories, Physical and Emotional. People who are Physically suggestible, take in information in a literal fashion. They understand direct statements. Those with Emotional suggestibility do not understand literal statements. They take their information in by inference.

Those who take in information literally actually speak information out inferentially. And the reverse is true. Those who accept inferentially speak out literally. Confusing? Not really. Just listen to how you speak out and what you understand best when someone speaks to you. Remember few people are 100 percent literal or inferential. Most of us speak in a mixed percentage of both.

In behaviors, again the two main categories are Physical and Emotional. A physical is someone outgoing who usually dresses revealingly in fashionable clothing. Likes to wears jewelry, has perfectly made-up hair and makeup, and experiences life through his/her body and the body feelings associated with it. Such persons normally are the life and soul of a party. People are drawn to them at work where they often are department supervisors. They enjoy team activities and always are involved with their families. Their priorities: No. 1, family; No. 2, team sports; No. 3, work.

Many Differences

The Emotional is a lot quieter, not good at group interaction. At parties, they sit on the outside of the gathering, They watch what is happening, preferring one-to-one conversations. They wear less ostentatious jewelry with their conservative, fashionable clothing that is easy to maintain. They do not feel through their bodies but, rather, have a tendency to protect their bodies. In dressing, they reveal as little of their body as possible. They tend to enjoy more solitary activities. Not that they don’t exercise or become involved with others. But they favor activities like rock climbing, individual cycling, skiing, skydiving that allow them to pit themselves against themselves and their environment. They are analytical and can always be relied upon to offer very good objective advice when asked.

Their priorities probably are No. 1, work; No. 2, individual-type activities; and No. 3, family.

It was fascinating listening to the banter between the riders and to see the variety of riding garb they wore. The Physicals and the Emotionals were obvious. As the ride progressed, the Physicals bunched together to enjoy the sunshine and the wind, the pleasant conversation with other riders, Soon they began to drop back in the crowd. The Emotionals were definitely more focused on the ride itself. Their early conversation quickly died out. Each became more preoccupied with his self-imposed challenge of being the first to arrive at their destination.

The riders started at the bikers bridge in Marina del Rey, ending 23 miles away in Boyle Heights after stopping at an elementary school that had received funding to encourage their students to ride to school on the safe bike paths. They stopped later at City Hall to meet with Mayor Villaraigosa’s staff.

No prizes for this event, just the fun of getting out to let the public know of the biking options available to everyone, and for me the joy of seeing the amazing interaction between the Physical and the Emotional.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at
nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net