Home Letters A Corrected Impression of Magee-Parents Meeting Last Week

A Corrected Impression of Magee-Parents Meeting Last Week


Re “Silver Says Job Decision Unrelated to ‘The Laramie Project’

As a parent in attendance at the meeting last week with Culver City High School Principal Dr. Pam Magee regarding the status of the fired teacher Ms. Sheila Silver, I would like to correct the representation made in your publication.

Dr. Magee opened by telling parents she would listen to concerns voiced at the meeting but that she could not respond to any questions regarding personnel issues.

Approximately 20 to 25 parents were in attendance. They represented many more who could not get away from work for a mid-day meeting. While the parents had plenty to say about the students whose lives have been transformed due to the effects of Ms. Silver's skill and compassion — many examples were given — all comments were made with respect and maturity from both sides.

Parents expressed hurt and anger that an outstanding teacher would not be rehired, when she is clearly a great asset to students. If students are truly our top priority, and no justification other than “she's not a good fit” is given, we question the political climate and those entrusted with leadership to uphold the students' best interest.

Parents made it clear that they value the academic, artistic, emotional and social climate that Ms. Silver provides to nurture students as healthy human beings. They are in agreement with the students that Ms. Silver embodies the mission statement of the AVPA, the Academy of Vsual and Performing Arts, and the CCHS Student Outcomes.

The fact that Ms. Silver was assigned a student teacher after being told she was not being re-hired was very telling.

This move led many to lose respect for any argument against keeping such a terrific role model. The feeling that adult professionals should be able to resolve conflicts (as they expect students to do) was pervasive and, again, parents were adamant that the students' best interest must be served. To do otherwise is shameful and wrong.

Dr. Magee excused herself for another meeting and parents thanked her for her attention.

Thank you for the opportunity to clarify the spirit of the meeting; it is important that the community be provided an accurate representation from an attendee.

Liz Kinnon,
CCHS parent

Ms. Kinnon may be contacted at lizkinnon@gmail.com