Home OP-ED A Typically Frenetic Week for a Typical American Family

A Typically Frenetic Week for a Typical American Family


Dateline Dayton – Last Thursday afternoon my wife called me at work, telling me her car wouldn’t start. This was not a surprise. The last two times I drove it, the car hesitated when starting. I suggested she get a service appointment since it was time for normal maintenance. I would put the charger on the battery once I got home from work, and then we would take it to the service facility.

Arriving home, Pauline had not returned from taking her brother to his eye doctor appointment, so I decided to take care of the car. First problem: I could not find the battery. I had to resort, of all things, to reading the manual, to see where they might have hid it on her Chevrolet HHR. How about in the back, with the spare tire? Why didn’t I think of that clever location?

What Was That Sound?

While getting ready to connect the charge to the battery, I heard a CRASH. There was an accident at the corner, a short distance from our house. My immediate thought was, I sure hope that isn’t Pauline. It was! She had hit a car while turning onto our street. Fortunately no one was hurt. The young girl, a student at the University of Dayton, was very nice and understanding. The other good thing, both cars still were drivable.

Last Friday was my eye doctor appointment. I learned I still will need to use two pair of glasses, one for driving, another for working at the computer. Both will include my reading prescription. I no longer will be required to remove one pair of glasses when trying to read something to enter into the computer. That will be a big help.

Later in the afternoon, I helped Pauline take her brother to his doctor appointment. Since this was a new physician, we had no idea what the accommodation would be. A good thing I was along because there were no wheelchairs for my brother-in-law Joe.

Since the weather was great on Saturday, off I went to a favorite flea market, arriving at 5:08 a.m. As soon as I started unloading, people asked for specific items, and the answer always was no. The No. 1 request was for records, which I had sold at a garage sale for almost nothing.

It Was Not a Loss

Business started out slowly. However, I did have the rent covered before they came around to collect. Shortly thereafter I had my other expenses covered. It was not a bad day. I was able to sell a few items and did recover the cost of all National Cash Register items I had purchased a couple months prior.

I have two boxes  that I am going to keep, one containing NCR items and the other, miscellaneous. Everything else will go to Goodwill – once Pauline gives approval.  Which reminds me that along with books, cassette tapes also are a tough sale.

Last Saturday, Joe had to go to the hospital for a blood transfusion, per his doctor’s visit the day before. Being that I was going to the flea market, our son Chris helped get Joe to his 8:45 hospital appointment. The procedure was to last six hours. At 11:30, I checked on his progress. But they just were starting, so it would be evening before he would be ready to go home.

On Father’s Day, most our family members living in the area came by for a cookout. Nice that they visited dad on this special day.

Pauline and I are heading to Columbus today, along with my sister and her husband. We will be joined there by my brother and his wife, to attend the installation of my sister, Sara, as president of the Eagles Auxiliary for the State of Ohio. Over five years ago, she asked that we all attend the activities, which will begin tonight.

However, prior to checking into the convention hotel, we will be checking out the new Columbus casino.

Remember that each day is a gift to enjoy.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net