Home OP-ED A Cinch Antidote to Killings: Laws, Laws, Laws, Laws, Laws, Laws.

A Cinch Antidote to Killings: Laws, Laws, Laws, Laws, Laws, Laws.


As literalists rather than realists, liberals will be badgering our grandchildren for tighter gun control decades from now when one person a day is being shot to death out of a population of perhaps 425 million.

President Obama’s grandson, the second black President, will be posing with the grandchildren of Newtown victims, complaining that if it were not for Republican obstructionism, Newtown and the two mass shootings in the intervening 40 years, never would have happened.

The silly season began the moment the first liberal reached his computer last Dec. 14 and declared that by George, if only Connecticut had gun control and background checks, Newtown would have been avoided.

Sadly, this uncompromising liberal and all who have followed him, down to angry mid-70s essayist George Skelton on page 2 of this morning’s Los Angeles Titanic are as sincere as they are disconnected.

They have been trained to believe that as long as a single crime is committed, fresh laws are required to further strangle us.

Mr. Skelton wrote seriously that mentally troubled John Zawahri’s raid on his family and Santa Monica College could have been averted with just a wee bit strong background check.

It is meaningless to debate such extremists. Allow them to rage until galloping hoarseness routs them.

Mr. Skelton was born a few minutes after Prohibition was repealed. You can’t stop bizarre people from doing what they are bound to do.

Mr. Skelton’s sober contention that writing a law will prevent a bad guy from going into an emotional ditch is childishly foolish.

We have been told Mr. Zawahri put together his (ahem, outlawed) gun from disparate pieces. My dear liberal friends, how do you stave off that kind of resourcefulness? Station a National Security Agency spy in every American home? I have been wondering who that strange fellow is who is parked on a stool near the kitchen sink when I come home every evening.

Near the end of his screed, Mr. Skelton slumps deeper in his chair, evidently prepared to surrender. But no.

“Whether any of the gun control proposals (he listed) could have spared lives in Santa Monica – or Newtown or Aurora – cannot be stated for certain.”

Just when you think he may be coming to a common sense summary, Mr. Skelton suffers a relapse.

“That’s no reason to meekly crawl into a ball and whine that gun deaths are inevitable.”

In closing, he dishes up the latest indefensible nonsense from failing LAPD Chuck E. Beck:

“There is nothing that is an absolute solution,” says the inspiration for Chuck E. Cheese, “but if you put enough controls in place, that makes it less likely there will be gun violence.”

Why didn’t I think of that?

If Chicago can write 1200 laws fast enough before Friday, there won’t be any more killings in Gangland, IL, until Jan. 1.