Home Editor's Essays Certain Way to Kill Killing:Write a Law Against It

Certain Way to Kill Killing:Write a Law Against It


Since a mass shooting occurred in our front yard four days ago, like the mentally narrow dog who jumps through hoops, the Left rises to its feet and demands enhanced gun legislation.

The sometimes-rational Daily News was the first I have seen to fly out of the barn this morning.

Their putatively sober lead editorial should have been vetted by the Comedy Channel.

“Another tragic story of guns, mental issues,” is the daffy headline on the surely-not-serious editorial.

Okay, boys. Which do you want to outlaw first, guns or the mentally defective?

Not anything balmier comes to mind.

Like many of our Left pals, the Daily News and others blame Friday’s tragedy on the National Rifle Assn. Seriously? This is not high school. I hope you can do better.

To the Daily News and other stalwarts of the Left, it is irrelevant that John Zawahri, 23, mowed down his victims with a weapon already outlawed in the city and in the state.

Ditto Aurora.

Ditto Newtown.
Logic, however, offends the Left when emotions are at stake, which is most of the time.

After acknowledging in a throwaway line that Mr. Killer employed an illegal weapon, the Left unimaginatively added, as it always does, “yeah, but.”

How ineffective.

The next sentence near the bottom of the gasbag editorial read:

“No, that didn’t prevent these shootings, but how many others might it have stopped?”

The cry of a desperate liberal.

Why bother to repeat their message? the newspaper asks.

“Because,” the editorial responds in a challenge to illogic, “each successive mass murder, fitting a similar pattern, adds support to the argument that guns capable of mass violence must not be allowed in the hands of people like the killers.”

Psssst, Charley. Ever hear of prohibition?  No? Have a beer, and we’ll chat.