Home OP-ED Is It Possible the President Really Did Not Know?

Is It Possible the President Really Did Not Know?


We are asked to believe that President Obama was unaware of the felonious mischief that surrounds him, from his lying attorney general Eric Holder, to the team of pompous liars infecting the IRS, to the constructors of the ever-changing fairy tale that passes as the President’s excuse for purposely avoiding any contact with the electoral disease that was Benghazi last Sept. 11.

Mr. Obama’s still-mysterious personna is as fragile as fried ice and doughnut holes, a carefully constructed veil that masks an undeniably mediocre mind. (If you doubt, observe him on a YouTube video in a random, unscripted moment.)

His crowning personality mark is that he is as passive as a pillow. It begs the question of whether Mr. Obama would fight back if he were biffed in the nose. Conclusion: Unclear.

Even though all of his closest advisors long have been fully cognizant of the constant skullduggery at the IRS, the real-life video games the morally bankrupt Mr. Holder was and is playing at the Dept. of Justice, and the five different versions of lies regarding the White House’s chameleon role with Benghazi, it is not likely but possible Mr. Obama did not know about the crimes and extended criminal behavior.

Teams of people should have been reprimanded and fired by the President, even one as weak as the incumbent. Lacking stomach, Mr. Obama, however, never has publicly fired anyone in his high-profile career. It offends his exceedingly passive nature. 

Mad Michelle wears the only pants in that family. Fine, except that is harshly at odds-with the breakable papier maché Obama image that has been meticulously constructed by his handlers since the raw Chicago days when mysterious disasters, coincidentally and regularly, befell his political opponents.

As one more layer of the Obama onion is peeled back with each day’s news, we may not have to wait until summer to solve the unplanned mystery of what the President knew and when.

That, probably, is the single advantage of the President’s beloved Big Government.