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How Do I Love Thee?


[Editor’s Note: As anticipated, the School Board voted unanimously on Tuesday night to approve the proposed approximate 2 percent annual raises for all School District employees for each of the next three years, retroactive to last July 1.]  

There are only four ways School District employee compensation can be increased: Either by being given raises, Step-and-Column movement, increasing District-paid health benefits or in one-time bonuses.

The Missing Link

Both benefits and bonuses were off the table at last night's meeting. This left raises and Step-and-Column still in the mix. The state's Public Disclosure documents showing the fiscal impact of Tuesday night's proposed raise agreements clearly states that the amounts shown in the three reports should have included the salary impact of the Step-and-Column increases. Somehow, these figures totaling over $500,000 annually, were not accounted for in these reports. This missing piece in the compensation puzzle made the amount the School Board was to consider appear to be much less; making it much easier for Board members to approve it.
‘Generous Dave’

Our Superintendent, David LaRose, wrote that he wanted to “reinvest” in the teachers, “the big boys and girls in the District.” The School Board gave him his investment money by unanimously passing the agreements and raising District employees’ salaries by 2 percent across-the-board.
More, Please

Does “Generous Dave” really think he can buy a new era of cooperation between the administration and the employee bargaining units? Will he be surprised when the unions are back at it again next year, hands out, asking for even more money?

Or is that part of their long-term game plan they have already agreed upon?

Mr. Laase may be contacted at GMLaase@aol.com