Home OP-ED 200 Secrets Embedded in Your Handwriting

200 Secrets Embedded in Your Handwriting


Every year, my wife and I attend the National Assn. of Broadcasters convention because of her business. She is a manufacturer of waterproof covers for television cameras. When you watch a sporting contest or outdoors event,  likely you will see her covers at work.

At the convention, my wife keeps up with the changes to cameras, networks with knowledgeable persons and is eager to see if she can sell more product to them.

Obviously this is not where I would be talking to much about hypnotism. Surprisingly when I present my business card, people immediately are curious. Without exception, it affords a great opportunity to talk with people to whom I normally would not have access. Besides hypnotism, though, management types especially want to talk about my skill as a handwriting analyst.

I explain how it can show up almost 200 different character traits in a person. When writing, we only think of what we are writing not how we are writing. Handwriting is an exceptional guide into any person’s character. I explain how analyzing handwriting can give a prospective employer a detailed insight into the character of a prospective employee.

Analysis shows if a person is dishonest, outgoing or shy, open to new ideas, new tastes, his degree of self-esteem. Including this tool offers a comprehensive picture of the potential worker’s future with the company.

Handwriting can modify character or personality. If you are skeptical, I will show you how it works.

If I know what each letter indicates when written a certain way, it follows that if you change the letter you wrote in such a way that it would improve your character, wouldn’t you try it?

When writing, we only focus on the content because we learned to write when we were kids, so writing has been learned. Now it is a subconscious process.

We change as we grow. If you can find a sample of your handwriting as a child, you will see it is much different because you have grown and changed.

If you have low self-esteem, it will be reflected in a particular letter. If I show you the letter you would want to change to reflect a higher self-esteem, you will consciously start to write the letter in a new way.  As you do it more frequently, the less you will think about it. Once it becomes subconscious, you will be surprised to learn you are feeling better about yourself.

If you don’t believe me, call my office and try. When I came to the United States, I was shy.  After I changed my handwriting, I became more outgoing – simply by changing my writing.

If you are an employer, attorney or a person who wants to change, I can help you to hire the right employee or make character changes for a more prosperous life.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net