Home OP-ED Will the Guilty Be Punished?

Will the Guilty Be Punished?


Given the immense pushback from the other side, can a core of determined Republican Congress members, maximally representing 10 percent of the country, succeed this week in turning the flickering flame of the scandalous Benghazi controversy into a torch that threatens the foundation of the Obama administration?

The outcome is no clearer than this morning’s weather.

If a man were to guess, however, he would say that tomorrow’s promised bombshell Congressional hearings, starring three State Dept. insiders, will end in a dud.

Saturday will be the seven-month anniversary of the assassination of our Libyan ambassador and three of his aides by – all together now – bands of Muslim terrorists.

Between the White House and the 98 percent liberal media, more Americans know what kind of cookies Ulysses Grant ate on his death bed than have heard of or care about Benghazi.

The lies that President Obama and his minions, including terrible-tempered Hillary, told in the days after the tragedy, make Watergate look like kindergarten. No one died in Watergate. Four hardly faceless Americans serving their country were slaughtered in Benghazi, and neither Mr. Obama nor his sycophants has explained or apologized.

Like the tree in the forest, if Mr. Obama signals that this embarrassment never happened, the quiescent media says, “Yes, sir,” and goes on to talk twaddle.

Since the massacre struck two months before President Obama’s carefully planned re-election, and since he had sworn that Al-Qaeda’s terrorism had been destroyed with the death of ben Laden the year before, he ducked under a table – Chief Cooke-style – and vowed not to get involved.

That very night, he flew off to a Las Vegas fundraiser (!), and had a jolly good time. What Benghazi?

We know now that Mr. Obama gave orders, from the first news, that his fingerprints were to be nowhere near the tragedy, for fear of tarnishing his image and campaign.

Once his future was assured, he promised an investigation. It is scheduled to be completed the afternoon he leaves office, in 3½  years.

After Mr. Obama safely was returned to office in November, Hillary, the undefeated Secretary of State, told Congress that by golly, the culprits in the State Dept. who caused (?) this mess would be punished.

She identified them. This morning, they remain safely tucked into their jobs.

Nobody was fired or penalized.

More lies.

Now what?