Home Sports Prieto and Im Warm up for Culver-Samo Starting Tomorrow

Prieto and Im Warm up for Culver-Samo Starting Tomorrow


Coach Prieto

Undefeated and tied atop the Ocean League, the baseball teams of Culver City High School (18-4, 8-0) and Santa Monica (18-10, 8-0), meet on Tuesday afternoon in a 3:15 showdown on the Culver High campus.

After Culver Coach Rick Prieto won his18th straight league game,The Front Page spoke with him about the Centaurs’ much anticipated two-game series with Santa Monica.

Coach Prieto – We had good approaches for most of our (last) game against Morningside, offensively and defensively. These are the types of games where coaches have to keep their players motivated. After we beat them 16-0 last Tuesday, Morningside played much better in the next game.

The Front Page – What do you think about the team’s hitting binge lately, winning games by double digits? How would you describe the team going into the upcoming series with Samo?

Coach Prieto – This goes back to last June. We started this approach a long time ago. Now I believe the players understand the concept. They are able to carry it from practice sessions, whether in the batting cages or on the practice field, into game situations.  Our results are becoming much better.

The Front Page –Talk about the upcoming series with Santa Monica.

Coach Prieto – I have been telling our players this is the way it’s been the last three or four years. The winner of this series is the Ocean League champs. That’s the bottom line. Santa Monica’s players have some pain from last year. I saw it. They will be motivated. I reminded our players we don’t want to go through that situation ourselves.

The Front Page – What about the home run by Jon Im, his first of the season?

Coach Prieto – It was his first of his career. (Big smile.) It was a great opportunity for him to play. More importantly, what a great way to walk away from his senior year. To hit the ball out of the park like that is very special for any young man. To hit it as a senior at the end your career, it’s pretty awesome.

The Front Page – The Centaurs have 18 straight Ocean League victories. Is that more of a credit to the players or to the coaching staff?

Coach Prieto – Without question, our players. Their hard work, their dedication and their commitment to wanting to be good baseball players. We coaches put them in situations where they can be successful. That’s all we try to do. I am repetitive in practices –  lots of ground balls, fly balls, hitting drills, pre-game and situation hitting. Coaches can only coach to a certain extent. The players have to do it on the field.

The Front Page – You took a player out of the game because he hit an infield popup. Was that because it’s getting close to post-season and the importance of the upcoming Santa Monica series?

Coach Prieto – The bottom line is, when you hit a ball in the air, it is difficult to do something with it, offensively. When you hit the ball hard on the ground, many things can happen. It goes both ways. If you cannot put the ball in play like we want it, I am going to make some moves. That is the way it is in life.

The Front Page – What kind of influence has Coach Sterling Roux brought to the team?

Coach Prieto – His most important influence is the consistency he brings. It’s great having one person, day in, day out, constantly instructing the players. In the past, it was ‘Okay, you guys go over there and work on bunting or your slash hitting or hitting to right field. Now we have someone there with the teaching skills to do one-on-one drills. Coach Roux has made a huge difference.

Visiting With a Hero

Jon Im capping his career in hard-hitting style. Photos, George Laase.

The Front Page – Jon Im is a senior on this year’s team. He hit the first home run of his career against Morningside last Thursday.

The Front Page – Congratulations on your homer. Take me through your at-bat.

Jon Im – It was a 3 and 2 count. I knew he had to throw a strike. He didn’t want to walk me. I saw the fast ball. It was right there. I swung like Coach Roux taught me. Hitting a home run, the feeling was amazing.

The Front Page – Has Coach Roux helped in the team’s approach to hitting this year?

Jon Im – He has helped majorly.

The Front Page – Has he helped philosophically, in the count, or in the mechanics of swinging the bat?

Jon Im – A lot of it was in just the basic mechanics. He did help us in the count. He helped us with our mentality going up to the plate, being ready to hit. He emphasizes that we need to stay focused at the plate. We need to how many balls and how many strikes there are. Even more, Coach Roux came in and helped us with our mentality at the plate.

Mr. Laase may be contacted at GMLaase@aol.com