Home OP-ED Gay and Black – Now There Is a Daily Double to Make...

Gay and Black – Now There Is a Daily Double to Make a Man Rich


It is 32 years since cancer claimed Mom, and I doubt she would be comfortable in the universe that has been converted into a 24-hour circus.

  • News Item: In a single news cycle, an obscure basketball player, previously known only to his family and lovers in the shadows, became the most famous athlete on earth by crashing out of a closet and declaring he likes boys.
  • News Item: An obscure nice-guy mayor in an obscure nice-guy city in an even more obscure nice-guy state is promoted to U.S. Transportation (really?) Secretary, in a single bound, solely on the grounds his whiz-bang parents were futuristic enough to give birth to a black baby.  

This is what happens when the Left is allowed to drive the car to the lip of the abyss.

It also is what happens when a political maniac like Barack Obama is allowed into the political kitchen – all of the previously tasty food converts to garbage.

Moral balance is deemed old-fashioned.

It’s race and ethnicity, baby. That is what is hot.

Meanwhile, authentic news about the latest iteration of insane Muslim terrorists starves to death from inattention.  Eric, my race-centric bosom buddy, who mysteriously, lyingly, dispatched the magistrate to torpedo the FBI’s hospital bed grilling of the No. 2 Muslim terrorist?

Wasn’t it sweet that President I Love Me, during his latest flight’s abbreviated layover in Washington, remained on the ground for the hopelessly disengaged Mr. Obama to ring up the basketball player and announce, “Hey, dude, that is my position.”

Our favorite sleeping media have failed to note that the President (Which Way Is the Politically Correct Hurricane Blowing?) Pander has held three different well-publicized positions on gay-dom, the dominant one du jour being whatever the newest polls tell him he believes.

I See You – Just Kidding

With a straight face that only the Left – and Nancy Pelosi’s blind plastic surgeon – can conjure up, The Daily News-Daily Breeze-Long Beach Press-Telegram, who form the sexily named Los Angeles Newspaper Group, this morning actually labeled the gay basketball player a hero of the identical proportions of Jackie Robinson.

This is the same effete crowd that calls gay rights the civil rights issue of our day. President Obama, sitting for a bobble-head doll sculpture, animatedly nodded his bobble head.

It is a pleasure to report that for 1825th consecutive time, Mr. Obama enjoyed yet another rotten-egg day.

Forty-five years after Dr. King was murdered for saying the color of our skin should not matter, the President spat on those noble words. He said Dr. King had it backward – skin color is everything.

Because the mayor of Charlotte is black, and because Mr. Obama’s  boss, Mad Michelle, has been badgering him for months to select more high-profile blacks, he closed his eyes, opened his mind an inch-wide, reached into a half-eaten Cracker Jacks box and withdrew Hizzoner’s name.

Hizzoner could not have been more surprised if he had been voted Homecoming King? Or if the gay basketball player had been voted Prom Queen.

The President smoothly lied about the mayor’s nonexistent transportation expertise. The mayor openly has acknowledged it is foreign territory.

Don’t you yearn for the days when we elected adults to office?

No wonder President Bush’s ratings match the superficially popular Mr. Obama’s – 47 percent.