Home News ‘We Consider Ourselves Very Fortunate’

‘We Consider Ourselves Very Fortunate’


Re “Could the New Year Be Any Worse?


Dateline East Los Angeles – Since early last summer, the newspaper has been chronicling a series of astonishing clashes between the four-member Boyle Heights family of Sebastian and Mirsa Lopez and the management of the apartment complex where the Lopezes have lived for three years.

The reversals and rejections they have sustained would discourage the most patient, dauntless families.

Illnesses, poverty, a lack of amenities that resemble a backward foreign land.

But the Lopezes are stout in maintaining they do solicit, nor will they accept, pity or more from anyone.

After yesterday’s installment ina new series was posted, the family sent the following message:

“We did want to underscore that we had an exceptional Christmas where our family, friends and acquaintances were exceptionally generous.

“Should someone feel the need to donate, we request that it be done to the favorite charity of their choice.

“We consider ourselves to be very fortunate.

“Have a great new year!”

The Lopez family may be contacted at havennay@yahoo.com