Home A&E It’s a Svenderful Life When Your Clogs Are On Fire

It’s a Svenderful Life When Your Clogs Are On Fire


Some people get older as they age.

Me, I get bolder.

Checkered pants? Quite.

Red skinny jeans? Absolutely.

Atypical jewelry? Most certainly.

Hawaiian shirts? Naturally.

Huge and garish belt buckles that, in a pinch, could serve as shields in a jousting tournament? But of course. Who says fashion can’t be practical?

So when Sven Clogs generously offered me the choice of a free pair of shoes to review, I perused the catalog and made two decisions. The first was to forego the traditional clog style in favor of something a little different; a style inspired by penny loafers. Nothing too radical about that particular choice, except that I wouldn’t be caught dead (or alive) wearing a pair of actual penny loafers. Yet, somehow, the influence gives the traditional clog style a distinctive and appealing profile. It’s rather like certain genres of music that are intolerable in their pure form, but work surprisingly well when diluted with other styles.

The next decision involved colour. My first instinct was to follow my cardinal rule of black. But I thought of the clause in my cardinal rule, namely, deviations into sanguinary colours. I decided to go with…that’s right, bright red. Hence, el clogs del fuego:



[img]2194|left|||no_popup[/img]Around since 1974, Sven Clogs is a respected brand in the clog-wearing community. They offer two general types of bases, an Austrian base made of lightweight wood with a quiet, skid-resistant molded polyurethane sole, and a traditional Swedish base. Their catalog spans a variety of heel heights, materials, colours, and styles (e.g. sandals, boots, and so on) – available either a la carte or on a custom basis. It comes as no surprise to me, then, that my flaming torches are well crafted. They look great, too, garnering complimentary attention in addition to satisfying my own idiosyncratic tastes. And here's a happy bonus: Sven clogs are made in the good ol' US of A, which satisfies those of us who like to buy local (or, at least, regional) when possible.

Incidentally, here’s a word of advice when it comes to wearing clogs, especially if you’ve never worn some before: Don’t do something daffy like taking them out of the box for a marathon around town. Try them with restraint for awhile. Be sure there are no hot spots that could blister. I didn’t have this problem with the Svens, which gives them a big bonus point, but it has happened to me with clogs from other brands.

With that public service announcement out of the way, I will say this: With great red clogs comes great responsibilities, namely, how to use them as an integral, rather than antagonistic, part of an ensemble. While I have no objection per se to the use of coloured footwear with monochromatic ensembles, like the ubiquitous white sneakers with black clothes template (objectionable more for the use of the world’s ugliest style of shoe, sneakers, rather than the splash of white), there is something to be said for holistic use of colour. Let’s not be too serious about it, though. Breaking up the monochrome and using similar splashes of red, as I did in this outfit, did the trick:


Indeed, yes, I sacrificed the versatility of black for the wild abandon of red, and it’s a winner. Now if only the weather would cool down a bit so I don’t have to risk overheating my paws. Any day, now. Any day…

There’s More!

Becky Haltermon, the very charming lady who guest-blogged at my now-defunct fashion blog The Fashionoclast, was also the recipient of a free pair of clogs from Sven’s to try out. Check out what she had to say at her must-read blog, Pump Up the Frump.

Win a Free Pair of Clogs

And did someone mention a giveaway?

Sven Clogs is pleased to sponsor a clog giveaway contest, which includes your choice of clogs. No boots, though.  To enter, start at www.svenclogs.com and browse through their selection of styles, materials, and colors. When you've envisioned your favourite, send me an eMail at fsisa@thefrontpageonline.com with your name and choice of clog from Sven’s catalog.

I know your eMail is precious, so please be reassured that your eMail will only be used for the draw. The list of entries deleted after the contest is well over. No spam, no shenanigans.

As a bonus, do each of the following for extra chances of winning:

…and let me know about it by sending me an eMail (with your twitter and facebook names) at fsisa@thefrontpageonline.com

I have to receive your eMails by 11:59 p.m., Oct. 10th for your entry to be eligible.

Tune in Oct. 14th for the winner, who will be drawn at random from entries received.

Free clogs! Imagine! Enter the draw…and you, too, could feel like the Cookie Monster after eating a plate of delicious cookies.


Frédérik Sisa is the Page's Assistant Editor and Resident Art Critic. He is also a tweeting luddite and occasional blogger, and can be reached at fsisa@thefrontpageonline.com.