Home News Time to Be Candid About State of School Facilities, Taylor Says

Time to Be Candid About State of School Facilities, Taylor Says


Third of three parts

Re “Thoroughness and Key Role of Stewardship Will Mark Taylor Campaign”

Vernon Taylor at his first public event. Photo, Shannon Gaulding.

On the eve of Tuesday evening’s special Capital Projects meeting at Lin Howe School, where the pending bond measure will be the headline, School Board candidate Vernon Taylor, banker-financial analyst, was asked to summarize his advice going into the work study session:

“For those who have examined the vast school budget we are operating under now,” he said, “when you take a look at about every category, whether Child Development or General Instruction, 97 percent is salaries and benefits.

“When I look at the budget, what troubled me was no outlay for capital outlays whatsoever. Things decay. Things deteriorate. If you are not budgeting for them, that means you are deferring the problem to somebody else.

“That is the problem we are trying to deal with right now.

“In a nutshell, let’s be upfront and honest about what is truly confronting our District so that we can tell our citizens, our students, our parents, our taxpayers what it is we need to continue to be a top school district.”