Home OP-ED You’re a Jew. Who Cares if You Are Insulted? Swallow and Go...

You’re a Jew. Who Cares if You Are Insulted? Swallow and Go on.


Noteworthy News Item:

Why Jews need to be born with resilient skin.

After a 12-month investigation of harassment, confrontations, threats and other hostile incidents amidst an anti-Semitic atmosphere created by Palestinian sympathizers on the U.C. Berkeley campus, the U.S. Education Dept. tidily washed its intellectual hands with slippery soap and has haughtily concluded:

“In the university environment, exposure to such robust and discordant expressions, even when personally offensive and hurtful, is a circumstance that a reasonable student in higher education may experience.”

Over in the corner, Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks drew himself to his maximum height. “The claim that there is a hostile environment for Jewish students is, on its face, entirely unfounded. As a Gentile, Mr. Dirks fearlessly strides the campus. He is unconcerned that anti-Semitic assaults will be aimed at his well-scrubbed face.

Year-long investigations (recall Benghazi, Fast and Furious – two other embarrassments they successfully have ducked) have become a staple of the Obama administration, which has been spectacularly unfriendly to and for Jews. Religious Jews in recent years have not been foolish enough to enroll at Berkeley.

Can you imagine the outcry if the raggedy Muslims who rage against Jews and Israel at Berkeley had made blacks, browns, gay girls, gay boys or abortion partisans?

Any “investigator” who would have suggested the tone of whitewash that was applied to the Jewish case would have been blackballed for life.