Home OP-ED More Than a Thousand Reasons to Not Vote Mitchell

More Than a Thousand Reasons to Not Vote Mitchell


[img]2074|right|Holly Mitchell||no_popup[/img]Fittingly, hours before state Assemblyperson (an embarrassingly bulky formulation) Holly Mitchell (D-Culver City) is scheduled to address the Culver City Democratic Club this evening at the Vets Auditorium, I offer a succulent proposition:

I will give you 1,100 reasons to stay sealed inside your home on Sept. 17.

Who needs another sweet-talking but unoccupied liberal in the Sacramento asylum that already is more overcrowded than our state prisons with dullards on the dole.

Compton thinks it has a prostitution problem?


Sacramento dwarfs Compton in that respect seven days a week.

Show maturity.

Reject the temptation to participate in the funny special election to fill a vacant – not to mention vacuous – state Senate seat that should be vaporized.

The 1,100 reasons to snub Ms. Mitchell correlate to the 1,100 new bills that the Confederation of Dunces, the state Legislature, desperately is trying to pass – to earn well-greased kickbacks – before they adjourn one month from yesterday.

Coincidentally, not that anti-religious leftists would have awareness, Sept. 13 marks the solemn start of Yom Kippur when we Jews fast for 25 hours.

Would that members of the Confederation of Dunces possessed such discipline when reaching into the pockets of others.

Find one English-speaking Californian who believes we need to be controlled by 1,100 new laws, and I will show you a low-information leftist.

Meanwhile, Ms. (I Don’t Have to Work for a Living, Do I?) Mitchell’s Wheel of Fortune happily keeps humming, mindlessly putting her hands into the wallets of so many people – legislatively speaking – that she can’t keep from doing it at cocktail parties.

Even for a liberal, Ms. Mitchell is a nice lady. But she would contribute more seriously to society if she were selling cosmetics at Macy’s or working construction.

Anything would be an upgrade over dipping into the wallets of millions of Californians to mollify her backers.

The parade of circus clowns will resume in a few years when she is termed out of the Legislature and decides to run for the Los Angeles City Council.

Shouldn’t we all be dizzy from this unrelieved clown act of revolving doors?

Been going on for years. Ms. Mitchell is not an original.

Oh, the Shame of It

Unbeknownst to others, after dark this summer, I have been peeking into the windows of dozens of Culver City families. Typically, perspiring parents have gathered their young children to their bosoms. They explain tearfully, wild with grief, that Culver City has gone unrepresented in the state Senate for months, since Curren Price (formerly D-Culver City) left his seat to join the Los Angeles City Council.

Dear, oh dear, what will we do?

We feel so abandoned.

To quote one neighborhood mom:

“I told my children to stay up a little later than usual until school starts so they can join their father and me in fervent prayer. Somehow, we beg God to finagle a miracle and keep us safe until Ms. Mitchell safely can be elected to Mr. Price’s old chair. “Children,” she continued, “fall to your knees and seek divine intervention.”

The mom later said that it has not been easy to feed her distraught kids since they learned the state Senate seat is growing dusty.

The obvious panacea, friends, is to reduce the prostitution problem in Sacramento by making the state Legislature a part-time hobby for serious people instead of a fulltime pursuit for liberals who dread toil.