Home OP-ED Anti-Fracking Rally on Monday in Calabasas

Anti-Fracking Rally on Monday in Calabasas


Greetings Everyone,
[img]2068|right|||no_popup[/img]I hope you will take a moment to help a fellow climate warrior get an anti-fracking petition signed and delivered to state Sen. Fran Pavley (D-Calabasas) on Monday.

We need your help. Details are below.

More petition signatures are needed by Sunday. Tell Sen. Pavley to withdraw her bad regulatory bill and fight for a fracking ban instead. http://bit.ly/15huBIm 
Monday’s rally, at 5016 N. Parkway Calabasas, Suite 222, Calabasas, starts at 12:30.

RSVP at  http://on.fb.me/19OCP2n

The oil industry has discovered 15.4 billion barrels of oil under the Monterey Shale, a rock formation stretching from south of San Francisco to Los Angeles. This is the largest oil play in the nation, holding two-thirds of the U.S. reserves. If we don't stop Big Oil, they will frack up California with a vengeance.
Activists organized to get two strong moratorium bills in the state Legislature this year. They were gutted and killed by the Democratic leadership. The only bill that survives is a weak regulatory bill, S.B. 4.  As Lauren Steiner, one of the Forward on Climate Rally organizers, wrote in
her article from Common Dreams published this week, no bill is better than a weak bill.
Weak regulations do not protect us from the harms of fracking. They just provide political cover to legislators who otherwise could be pressured to vote for a moratorium on the practice. Had 18 Democrats voted for the moratorium bill earlier this year, it would have passed.

When asked why they didn't, they said they were planning to vote for SB 4 instead.
Regulations cannot make fracking safe. Even if they could, the practice still uses too much water in a drought-prone state and causes earthquakes in an earthquake-prone state. It causes the industrialization of bucolic landscapes, and noise and light pollution. Hundreds of daily diesel truck trips destroy roads and cause asthma and other respiratory diseases. Plus, burning all that oil
will release almost the same amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere as the Keystone XL Pipeline.

Read more…

One More Note

On Saturday afternoon on the Third Stree Promenade, at the Santa Monica Barnes and Noble, there will be a book-signing at 2 o’clock for Linda Marsa's book: Fevered: Why a Hotter Planet will Hurt Our Health.

Mr. Eidt is the organizer of SoCal Climate Action Coalition 350 and publisher of WilderUtopia.com