Home OP-ED The Verdict Was a Surprise

The Verdict Was a Surprise


Dateline Dayton –  Even though nine days have passed, I must start by sharing my view on the Zimmerman verdict. I am surprised a jury of six women found Mr. Zimmerman not guilty. Since I was not in the courtroom and did not hear the testimony, I should not second-guess the jury.

Even if Trayvon Martin did fight back and try to defend himself against this want-to-be cop, in my opinion that was no reason for him to be shot.

I have read the shooting had nothing to do with race, that it was due to Trayvon Martin wearing a hoodie. That was taken as a sign he belonged to a gang. I am glad I don’t own a hoodie. I must have my wife get rid of hers. She might get shot as a gang member, especially in Florida.

The hoodie statement has me concerned about all the gang members in this country. Am I to be suspicious of every person in a hoodie? Since I don’t believe in guns, possibly I should start carrying a club.


More Than 50 Years Later

Last Friday was our high school class picnic, and it was fabulous. Tom invited us to his lake house, not a cabin, on Fort Loramie Lake. An ideal setting for our picnic. Everyone brought something to share. Tom provided the brats and hamburgers. Somehow I ended up being the person in charge of the grill since Tom claimed he never has used one. If I do say so, I did a good job. I have not heard of anyone becoming ill. I even used a cooking thermometer.

After eating, Tom took those who wanted to go, a ride around the lake on his pontoon. I can’t recall ever being at this lake although Piqua only is a few minutes away. A beautiful little lake with lots of inlets.

Carl claimed we has a senior year picnic at Fort Loramie Lake. Strangely, he was the only one who had the recollection. Possibly he and his girlfriend went to the lake for a picnic of some kind!

Saturday was spent working around the house. With the storm that drenched us Thursday evening, there still was debris around the yard to pick up. Much was accomplished, but there’s still more to do. I took a few breaks during the day. Some were not short.

Sunday, as usual, there was church and breakfast, followed by a visit to my sister’s home in Piqua. From there we headed over to the cemetery for a little maintenance. We checked the flowers on Pauline’s family plot, watered them, and trimmed the shrubs on my family’s plot. After that, it was on to Pleasant Hill to check Uncle Paul’s family gravesite. We did treat ourselves to ice cream on the way home. Boy, was it good!

Next weekend it will be back to the ballpark. You guessed it.  Rain is in the forecast. We need some since it has been very hot, even for the Midwest.

Enjoy the lazy days of summer.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net