Home Letters Another School Year Needlessly Slipping by?

Another School Year Needlessly Slipping by?


By Robert Zirgulis

I am disappointed that the School Board could not come together before the deadline to file papers to get a bond issue or a renewal of Measure EE on the November ballot.
As a consequence, at least another school year will go by where our students and teachers will have to spend the year in substandard facilities lacking proper ventilation, foul smelling restrooms, broken water fountains and gym equipment and the list goes on and on.
Do we really need more endless studies and workshops to discuss what is so blatantly apparent?
Also it is not likely that a renewal of Measure EE and a bond issue can both be passed in the same year.
One of the consultants said that the 75 words on the bond issue would have been a simple and broad statement whereby the voters would authorize funding for much needed capital improvements.
It is the responsibility of the School Board to set policy on exactly how the priorities of capital improvement funds would be appropriated.
The main reason I am running for School Board is to get things moving in the right direction and use common sense.
For example, there is no logical reason why the School Board could not authorize a Request for Proposal to get a pool operator to refurbish and maintain our 20,000-square foot Natatorium and allowing free school use of the pool during school hours while allowing the pool operator to lease the pool to other swim teams, scuba classes, senior citizens, and the general public.
Issuing an RFP would not cost the  School District anything.
I submitted a copy of an RFP that was issued by the City of Menlo Park to the CCUSD.  I am still waiting for the School Board to act.
Mr. Zirgulis, candidate for the School Board, may be contacted at