Home Editor's Essays What Harm Is an Occasional Jew Hater?

What Harm Is an Occasional Jew Hater?


The century-old flames of anti-Semitism at the Los Angeles Titanic, regularly fanned first by the waspish Chandlers, later by their undistinguished successors, roared up again this morning, bitterly licking the hardened, permanently red-scorched reddened, faces of their hapless Jewish readers.

With all the predictability of a stunned Mr. Obama stuttering, gasping for rhetorical air when his teleprompter fails, the Titanic exuberantly waved its cowboy hat when the University of California yesterday voted a Jew-hating Muslim girl to its Board of Regents.

Hey, what’s an occasional Jew-hater going to hurt? the Titanic asks.

Don’t you hypersensitive Jews have a sense of humor?

You are a minority, you know?

Straight out of the leftist edition of Wikipedia and modern-day media bible of Who, Me? when the cowardly left – starting in downtown Los Angeles at 2nd and Spring – is terrified of offending Muslim terrorists.

Jews take it in the kishkes again from the unworldly editorial writers at the Titanic who provided a better political cover for Sadie than anyone in the Arab world could conjure up.

The Titanic buried the damning news about good, ol’ notorious Sadie.

[img]2012|right|Ms. Saifuddin||no_popup[/img]True to the roots of her Pakistani parents since they landed in flush Stockton, Sadie the Jew-Hater, a high-profile member of the very leftist Student Senate, spearheaded a campaign earlier this for U.C. to divest from Israeli companies, especially those  based in the West Bank.

The Titanic noted, enthusiastically, that Sadie the Jew-Hater opposes the occupation of the West Bank – but they failed to add that intellectually that is the equivalent of you and me, girl, occupying California. Didn’t Injuns and Mexicans formerly hold this land?

Cerebrally bankrupt, the Titanic did what the laughable left always does when it lacks an argument – mocks. Trying to sound normal rather than leftist, the Titanic said “Oh, for goodness sakes” to Richard Blum, a Jew, and the only regent who criticized the choice of Sadie the Jew-Hater.

Obviously, any school that can cartoonishly hire Jan The Man Napolitano to do standup comedy as its CEO can stay unbeaten forever.