Home OP-ED Brian Williams Prays NBC’s Lie Limit Is in Double Figures

Brian Williams Prays NBC’s Lie Limit Is in Double Figures


Re “Trapping a Liar. Shucks. Could Have Happened to Anyone”

While Brian Williams awaited confirmation this afternoon on whether he will be allowed to engage in a public lie-off next week at a strip club in Tehran with President Obama, I reflected, slowly, on a rainy day in my childhood.

Let us say I lied to Mom the way Mr. Williams has done to the nation for the past 12 years.

(Convinced he is authentic but overlooked hero material, Mr. Williams has been grilling Whoppers longer than Burger King.)

(He has been loudly bragging, on and off the air, since 2003, that during the Iraq War his Army helicopter was attacked by rocket-propelled grenades. )

(He escaped with his wet skin quivering but his hair intact, e fibbed. No blower needed. )

(There is more truth in the claim that Abe Lincoln will be Angelina’s next husband than there is in the Williams lie.)

Back to my bumpy childhood.

I am trying to visualize Mom, steely-eyed, delivering a snappy 25-word oration, adapting the exact language NBC News President Debbie Turness used this afternoon in her memo to NBC employees.

“(Ari, your father and I are) assembling a team dedicated to gathering the facts to help us make sense out of all that has transpired.”

Ms. Turner said that NBC will be reviewing tapes of Liar Williams’s coverage of Hurricane Katrina and the Iraq War, among several events, to determine how many bald — or hirsute — lies litter the Williams sandbox.

Extremely intelligent people speculated about NBC’s individual Maginot Line.

What is NBC’s laugh-track lie limit for lightweight leftists?

Ten or fewer and Mr. Williams keeps his job, a CBS source said. As a bonus, he will be entitled to one assisted-suicide card.

Nearby, a perspiring ABC correspondent cracked: “We hope his Death with Dignity card will not expire before Brian expires.”

Like our pasty-faced President, The New York Times, self-ordained human shield for all left-wing crackpots and Muslim terrorists, cannot form the words “Brian Willians lied” in its stilted, tilted reporting.

Patterico.com spied this limp-legged bowl of Obama-type mush in today’s Times’ story:

“It’s not unprecedented for a public figure to exaggerate his or her experiences, especially when it comes to military conflict. In 2008, then presidential candidate Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton acknowledged that she had misspoken when she described having to run across a tarmac to avoid sniper fire after landing in Bosnia as first lady in 1996.”

The same way her husband with the rapier wit misplayed when he raped the four women who ratted him out.

Yeah, sure, Hill.

Let the buffalo roam.

And Bill, too.

To normal people, the stench is indistinguishable.