Home News Running to Succeed Parks, Harris-Dawson Draws a Friendly Crowd

Running to Succeed Parks, Harris-Dawson Draws a Friendly Crowd


[img]2999|right|Mr. Harris-Dawson with Senate leader Mr. de Leon.||no_popup[/img]Marqueece Harris-Dawson, seeking to succeed termed-out Bernard Parks in next month’s Los Angeles City Council election, is rounding up a skyscraper-tall stack of endorsements.

The latest is from a key leader in the state Democratic Party, Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Leon.

“Marqueece has demonstrated his clear commitment to progressive values”, said Mr. De Leon. “His success in educating and activating thousands of voters in poor and working communities has advanced the values of the Democratic party.

“His work has helped make government more accountable.”

Mr. Harris-Dawson is endorsed by a wide number of leaders in the Democratic Party including, U.S. Reps. Karen Bass and Ted Lieu state senators Isadore Hall and Holly Mitchell, state Assemblymembers Reggie Jones-Sawyer and Sebastian Ridley-Thomas; L.A. City Council President Herb Wesson, and members Bob Blumenfield, Mike Bonin, Joe Buscaino, Felipe Fuentes; Nury Martinez, Paul Koretz, Tom LaBonge and Curren Price; City Atty. Mike Feuer and  the newest member of the County Board of Supervisors, Sheila Kuehl. 
Mr. Harris-Dawson has gained endorsements from the labor and faith communities, too.

Mr. Harris-Dawson is the President and CEO of the Community Coalition, a civil rights group in South L.A. that organizes and advocates for better schools, safer neighborhoods, a fair share of services and a local government more responsive to the people. 

www.Marqueece.com / facebook.com/mhd2015 / @marq4cd8.

Additional information is available at ethics.lacity.org.

Ms. Lane may be contacted at karrenlane@gmail.com