Home OP-ED Global Ways in Which Hypnotherapy Can Be Helpful

Global Ways in Which Hypnotherapy Can Be Helpful


Clinical hypnotherapy helps you to overcome challenges such as stress, anxiety, nervousness, fears, phobias, overeating, smoking, insomnia, lack of self-confidence, shyness, sadness, anguish, grief.

Hypnotherapy may also assist you with your work, social life, athletics, singing, acting, dancing, love, relationships, public speaking.

Visiting with a professional certified clinical hypnotherapist, he or she will assist you to gain a comprehensive understanding of yourself. Hypnotherapy is available for individuals, couples, family and groups.

A safe, effective tool, it helps increase your creativity, improve focus and concentration, sharpen memory recall, and prods you to think imaginatively.

The subconscious mind is much larger, more powerful than your conscious mind – 10 percent conscious, 90 percent sub-conscious. Your conscious mind reasons, makes choices. The subconscious mind controls automatic actions — breathing, eating, swallowing etc.

The subconscious stores everything about you and what you have learned, such as daily habits

Hypnosis is the most direct way to speak with your subconscious.

If you hold positive associations about unhealthy habits, we supply your subconscious with healthy alternatives plus motivation.

Your conscious mind knows the pattern is wrong. Since the subconscious holds controls the triggers, it overpowers conscious thought.

In hypnotherapy, we change the negative programs that hold you back.  from the healthy, successful life you desire It has been estimated that each day you will think 60,000, and 94 percent will be the same as the day before. And the day before.

If most of your thoughts are how you cannot achieve, and your mind and body are connected, it is natural that what you think day after day is how your body will respond. You are flooding your subconscious.

Many times your conscious mind is unable to affect the needed changes.  Like flexing a muscle, thinking positively, day after day, turns you into a strong, goal-oriented person.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net