Home OP-ED A Man Looks Back on His Busy Life, Fondly

A Man Looks Back on His Busy Life, Fondly


Dateline Dayton — In the 1970s I became a member of the Kiwanis Club.  Not long after I joined I was asked to be program chairman, then president. 

Our club, although not really involved on the district, state or national levels, was very active in the community.  As our fundraiser, we held a chicken dinner, always successful. This provided funds for numerous activities, including sponsoring a Boy Scout Troop.

I worked hard during my year as president and was recognized as a Distinguished President.  As president, I was the representative to the Presidents Club in the Dayton area.  I went on to serve as a vice president for a couple years.

Getting Together

Afterward, our Kiwanis club merged with another in the area, a welcome decision. Soon I became involved with the Learning Tree Farm.  Although the farm was a major activity for the club and many member swere actively involved with the Learning Tree, I had to limit my involvement. Sponsorship of the Scout troop was continued by the merged clubs.

Our club also provided car seats to families who couldn't afford them through a program with the local children’s hospital, Kids In Safe Seats, KISS for short.  We generated a ton of publicity from our sponsorship of our programs and the chicken dinner fundraiser was continued.

During my year as president, I was asked to serve as Lieutenant Governor for our district.  It took a while for them to convince me, but I accepted.  This was a fun year. Pauline and I met truly nice people.  I was selected to chair the Governor's Banquet at the state convention.

The Lieutenant Governor nominates the club president to receive the Distinguished Club President Award.  Although no president met the criteria, all received the award.

I must also complete a form to see if I qualify to be a Distinguished Lieutenant Governor.  I did not.  To my surprise, Gov. Roy awarded me the Distinguished Lieutenant Governor Award.

My involvement with Kiwanis didn't stop after my year as Lieutenant Governor.  For the next three years I was appointed to a district chairmanship.  By the third year, as my paying job was growing demanding, limiting my Kiwanis activities. Eventually, I dropped out.

Next week – The Learning Tree Farm

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net