Home OP-ED Not Everybody Sees Beiter’s Retirement Through Fair Lenses

Not Everybody Sees Beiter’s Retirement Through Fair Lenses


Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans,

Here is a front page story in the  Brentwood News and on Westside Today's website regarding Donna Beiter's Dec. 31 retirement from the VA. 

See how onesided, how deceptive the story is to protect the real truth.

Our understanding is Ms. Beiter was to appear before a Congressional VA Investigative Committee Hearing on 11 days ago. It was postponed for “personal reasons,” her husband’s death.

Ill for several months, his death was not unexpected. Ms. Beiter had taken three months off with pay to be with him. 

How many other VA employees receive that kind of preferential treatment?  After all, she is a professional nurse running the largest VA in the nation.  Everyone loses loved ones, many times without notice. Yet they must face life's struggles without special privileges.

The foregoing notwithstanding, please add your own comment at the bottom of the story link. 

On behalf of tens of thousands of war-injured Veterans who have been forced to live homeless and hungry on the streets of Los Angeles, everyone needs to fully expose Ms. Beiter for what she really is, a corrupt VA bureaucrat in cahoots with powerful special interest groups that have taken control of the Los Angeles VA. She is not the sweet civil servant the Brentwood News falsely portrays.

Please note the attached PDF “News You Won’t Find in the Brentwood News.”

The true story about Ms. Beiter regarding the biggest land-fraud swindle and human rights scandal in American history was built around crime, corruption, cronyism and coverup.  Help to fully expose all of it. Bring it to an abrupt end so that we can finally “Bring Our Homeless Veterans Home.”

God Bless America and the Veterans Revolution!

Mr. Rosebrock may be contacted at rrosebrock1@aol.com