Home OP-ED How Hypnosis Can Be the Off-Ramp for Addicts

How Hypnosis Can Be the Off-Ramp for Addicts


Addiction is a horrible disease. Yes, it is a disease. That is what they decided back in the 1970s. Or was it the ‘80s?

Any addiction is hard to overcome.

The problem with overcoming an addiction is that although the addict may want to quit, he has taught his subconscious his addiction of choice is what he wants when he feels a certain way.

Since our conscious mind is only 10 percent of the total brain power available, one can see how it would be difficult for 10 percent conscious to overcome 90 percent subconscious.

Addiction may be a cigarette, a drink, pot, meth, amphetamines, cocaine, even heroine. It does not matter.  This does: The addict chose to use as a means of creating the feeling or mood he want. This behavior becomes so ingrained within the subconscious that to break the habit requires a rigorous battle.

President’s Wife Was Right

Nancy Regan was lampooned when she suggested that “Just say no” would be the best method of overcoming addiction. Most professionals felt this attitude was too simplistic. Reality, however, was on her side. If you were to attend an AA or a NA meeting, every recovering addict will tell you that recovery is day by day.  Nancy Regan was closer to the truth than the psychiatric and medical professions would acknowledge.

Using or not using is a choice, which calls for a change within the 90 percent subconscious. Any addict knows the whole time he is using, his subconscious gives him what he trained it to do.

The subconscious is like a computer hard drive. Whatever we put in stays forever. Like the hard drive, it stores any information you give. It does not decide good or bad. It gives you the behavior that you get as a result of what you taught it to give you.

Welcome to The Gap

The behavior that you get usually vastly differs from the behaviors you want.  Only when you realize you want – need — to change your subconscious behaviors that the changes will come.

It has been said that a psychiatrist takes 600 sessions to resolve what a hypnotist can in 6 to 10.

Why is hypnosis more effective than talk therapy?  Talk therapy focuses on conversation with the conscious mind,  hypnosis on conversation with the subconscious. The changes come more quickly because they occur within the 90 percent. 

Any addiction initially is a choice to replace a feeling, emotion or habit. Once  the addict decides he wants to let the addiction go, he needs a substitute. That  could be as simple as a healthy food.

Any chemical substance ingested in the end simply enhances what is inside the person anyway.

When the addict realizes he can once again allow himself to face his feelings, he has a choice for anything he does.

Hypnosis plus a determined attitude give the addict a great chance to recover.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net