Home Letters Have Another Helping of Typical Hysteria

Have Another Helping of Typical Hysteria


By Steve Rose

Re “Here Are Flashing Signs of the Changing Times”

In reading Garth Sanders’ “story” on actions of the City Council about approval of signs, I would like to state the facts. Here is what really happened, not the fiction alleged by Mr. Sanders.  

Below is an exact two-paragraph report from the Assistant City Manager/City Clerk Martin Cole on his “Meeting in a Minute” report.  I quote:

“Approved agreement(s) with the Carlyle Group and Placeworks for a visioning process related to the proposed “Hospitality & Entertainment District Specific Plan” (which includes a sign district component) subject to the conditions that (1) the City shall not incur any costs that are not reimbursable by Carlyle and at such time as the amount deposited by the Carlyle Group is nearing depletion, Carlyle may either (a) deposit additional monies or (b) refuse to deposit additional monies, in which case the visioning process would immediately terminate; and (2) such additional terms as the City Attorney may deem appropriate.”

Mr. Sanders’ story reflected the hysteria that was written about on the web by typical misleading articles that are taken as fact too many times.

The visioning process was placed in front of the City Council to make the process as open and public as possible. This allows the city to recommend a consultant they are comfortable with. It also allows for funding for the visioning process and review of the process to be paid for by a group of commercials property owners through a public process.

My name is Steven Rose, as I stated on Monday night.  I spoke in favor of the agenda item for the visioning proposal as a commercial property owner with property two blocks away from the proposal and not as president of the Culver City Chamber of Commerce. The  Chamber has no position on the subject, another fact some people will distort.

Mr. Rose may be contacted at ssssteve.rose@gmail.com