Home OP-ED Is God a Zionist?

Is God a Zionist?


How many times have we heard statements from bigoted and racist individuals or governments that the world’s mischief and misery are due to Zionists and world Jewish conspiracy?

Jews have organized, they claim, to benefit the existence of the state of Israel?

Whether this is politically motivated or due to ignorance fertilized by the persons or governments to cover up the misery they have inflicted upon their own citizens, or because it is driven by jealousy towards the achievements of the tiny Jewish state in 65 years of her re-establishment, will be judged by history.

This much is clear: In spite of international and domestic pressures, Israel continues to build and prosper.

Meanwhile, her enemies are busy with their conspiracy theories, spending their precious resources to fund and export terror toward Israel and the free world.

One conspiracy theory is the notion that ISIS has been created by the “Zionist regime.” The perpetrator is the Islamic regime of Iran, supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei.

In an ISIS interview conducted by the Iranian News Agency IRNA, the reporter asked the representative “why is it that instead of fighting the true enemy of Islam, the Zionists, you are killing your own brothers and sisters, Sunni or Shiite alike?”

ISIS’s Strategy

The ISIS member said they fight their enemy first “at close range.” The Quran does not require them to fight “Bani Esrail” (Arabic for “the children of Israel”).

The Iranian regime for decades has brainwashed its citizens that the fox-mannered British conspiracy is red- handed in the mischief and misery of the Iranian nation.

This was done to cover up their own conspiracy to hold on to power and facilitate the suppressing of their own citizens. They have been spending a big portion of the Iranian assets to fund and export terrorism instead of worrying for the welfare of the Iranian people. Now that the British government and its people have had their share of suffering by the hands of ISIS and are engaged with their own domestic Muslim extremists, Iran’s regime has come up with a new conspirator: “The Zionist regime is the creator of ISIS.”

What Is Next?

Next there will be a new conspiracy theory that the Zionist regime is responsible for the spreading of the ebola virus throughout the world. Or the drought in the world. Or the devastating storms or wild fires that are destroying the agriculture.

In the Jewish prayer books one may notice the prayers the religious Jews say every day. They ask God to sustain and nourish humanity and all of the world’s animals and creatures.

This has been going on since the era of Abraham the patriarch in the Torah. God Almighty brings sustenance to the world. Because of the actions of the evildoers calamities are brought upon the world. Unfortunately innocent people become victims as well.

Although God does not enjoy human suffering, He has given us freedom of choice to select moral values over evil. Those who choose evil bring suffering and calamities upon themselves and the world.

The tools to avoid disasters are given to us in the Torah (613 laws for the Jews and 7 Noahide laws for the Gentiles).

As long as we avoid observing these laws, humanity suffers. We cannot blame God for the suffering of humanity nor use His name to inflict suffering upon it. God has given us Life Instructions, and the evildoers supply “Death Instructions” to their followers.

Perhaps the next conspiracy theory will be that God is Zionist. It may have some merit to it since God appeared on Mount Zion in the Sinai desert to give us His laws for a moral life.

Mr. Abraham may be contacted at etrzn@aol.com