Home News We Need Money, from Prop. 13 or Elsewhere, Goldberg Says

We Need Money, from Prop. 13 or Elsewhere, Goldberg Says


[img]2839|right|Ms. Nancy Goldberg||no_popup[/img]First of a series

Nancy Goldberg said she and her School Board colleagues were speaking in a unified voice at Tuesday evening’s meeting.

“We are all in favor of finding new money streams for funding education because we don’t have a choice,” said the retired teacher of 41 years. “But whether we are going to follow the particular resolution that the group Evolve has put out for changing Prop. 13 remains to be seen.”

The Board showed no inclination to follow Evolve’s recommended solution, and did not even vote on the proposition.

Shrugging, Ms. Goldberg’s arms-at-her-side response to Evolve was typical of her colleagues. “Any way you can get money to my kids, I am okay,” she said. “I know that sounds as if I am keeping a narrow view.

“I have been in this game a long time. When there are effects on students, and I can see them, then I start examining. I don’t think we have to go to the private foundations, like Feinshriber, which has been so generous with us. They have to be the most altruistic, generous people I have ever met,” Ms. Goldberg said.

“They have given us a music program for the Middle School and high school that was not there before. The Feinshriber Foundation has done this through the auspices of a very generous local member, Marcia Antipol. Her daughter, who went to school in our district, is a celebrated author.”

Ms. Goldberg met Ms. Antipol three years ago when she was running for the School Board. “I didn’t realize I had taught her daughter,” Ms. Goldberg said.

“The only reason that made a difference was that it connected me to the mindset that is needed for people to commit to public education.”

(To be continued)