Home Letters Response to Noonan’s Non-Sense

Response to Noonan’s Non-Sense


By Les Greenberg

Re “A Throbbing Question for Mr. Greenberg”

Ari Noonan probably has earned an A-plus in an advanced course in illogic and deception.

Ken Smith was not a mere campaign endorser of City Councilman Andy Weissman. He and Jozelle Smith long have been politically joined at Mr. Weissman’s hip. 

Ari, are you able to follow, so far?

The Smiths are big-time at the Grace Lutheran Church.
The church brings a proposal to annul the Farragut Drive residents’ 32-year old, grandfathered-in 2013 preferential parking.

Mr. Weissman is one of the persons who is to rule on the merits of the church’s proposal. 

Ari, are you still with me?

The residents specifically asked Mr. Weissman and others whether they have or had any relationship with persons affiliated with the church.

Culver City law requires Mr. Weissman to act ethically in his position of trust.

Mr. Weissman is licensed as an attorney. He should know what is required of him. Mr. Weissman remained silent as to the relationship. Hey, Ari, in a similar situation, would you want to know of potential political payback?

Mr. Weissman’s silence may tell more than the existence of the relationship. Do you remember Watergate?

Did anyone on Farragut Drive host a kickoff party for any candidate or join the candidate’s traveling circus?

The Smiths did it for Mr. Weissman. That level of participation is much more than a mere endorsement.

By the way, the mayor disclosed that her child used to attend the Church’s school years ago.

Mr. Greenberg may be contacted at plgreen@att.net

Ari Noonan responds: I do remember Watergate. Since late 1974, in quest of reliable sources, I have been regularly visiting the garage Woodward and Bernstein made famous. Haven’t met any sources, but I have discovered three remarkable women who, alternately, have brightened and dampened the middle years of my life.

The above 46 words were a mawkish  attempt at vamping while slowly, as is my wont, plodding through your letter. As my syrupy slow mind painfully, langorously slips into gear, I have two initial reactions:

• You did not comment on my assertion about your Farragut Drive neighbors being associated with current Council members. Why not?

• You note that the mayor acknowledged a toothpick-thin late relationship with the church. You and she agree, evidently, on the parking issue. Yet you do not say that you sought her recusal as you have of others on the Council, namely those who disagreed with your opinion. Hmmm.


• Why are political conflicts only onesided?

• What types of associations even rise to the level of potential conflict of interest?

• Though there was a question from one of your neighbors, Ron Klemp, as to Council member associations with people from the church, three of the nine people from Farragut Drive who spoke, Jim Province, Nadine Mendoza Province and John Heyl, endorsed Meghan Sahli-Wells in her campaigns.

•  Is disclosure required only if a direct question is asked?

• When Meghan advocated on behalf of the Farragut residents that the status quo be maintained, did she have a duty to disclose that one-third of those who spoke on behalf of Farragut were endorsees of hers? Hmmm…

My slow mind now shall return to a restful stance.

Unlike normal persons, Mr. Noonan may not be contacted. He is in deep hiding at a remote location known only to a formerly fetching former Mrs. Noonan and ISIS, both regarded as equal threats to the homeland.