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Meghan Is a Yes on Ice, but Clarke Says Vote Won’t Save Rink



[img]1307|right|Meghan Sahli-Wells||no_popup[/img]The mayor this morning sounded like one glowing vote in support of the central item on this evening’s City Council agenda –

Designating the shut down Culver City Ice Arena for specifically “Significant” historical status, the middle rating.

It does not figure to be controversial, and if there is opposition on the dais, it has been whisper-soft.

Meghan Sahli-Wells said the Cultural Affairs Commission’s recommendation to the Council “is compelling. We have heard a lot from the community about the value of the rink. But reading the report, I am really fascinated with aspects of integration at the rink. There was an African American coach who really made strides. It made me feel very proud.”

[img]1792|right|Jim Clarke||no_popup[/img]Her Council colleague Jim Clarke is not as enthusiastic. “I don’t have strong feelings about this, and I have not made up my mind how I am going to vote,” he said this afternoon.

“I have gotten emails and phone calls.

“I am sorry,” said Mr. Clarke, “that people somehow are confused because they believe that somehow tonight’s vote will save the ice rink.

“It won’t. I hope there won’t be a lot of people showing up with signs saying ‘Save the Ice Rink.’”

The portion about integration at the rink was persuasive for Ms. Sahli-Wells.

She said she did not grow up in a skating world.

“This certainly has added another layer to the historical significance of the rink that I was not aware of before reading this report,” said the mayor. “The report proved the rink’s true historical value.”