Home Editor's Essays Earning a Living Lying on Their Backs, Journalistically

Earning a Living Lying on Their Backs, Journalistically


It may as well be the year 1665 for the blind, ignorant, mean-spirited manner that the Hamas-Israeli war is being covered by American newspapers – and television has been as useless as an engagement ring for a lifetime celibate.

The Civil War – millennials should be informed this was before television or radio – was covered with far more precision, immensely less prejudice.

From the July day the Hamas terrorists provoked Israel into war, left-wing journalists have not been this excited about doing damage since they got a weightless black man with no adult qualifications elected President of the United States. 

Last I looked, liberals of all ages and a single mindset were reaching into their chests, ripping out their artificially anguished hearts over the deaths of a few Hamas terrorists and their enablers, fools who had been deliberately set up for assassinations. Dumber than farm animals.

Leftists have made careers out of strolling the land with their eyes locked shut. A hundred and sixty thousand Muslim Arabs have been slaughtered in Syria in 3½ years. But none of the phonies on the left, from President Obama on up, has shed a single fake tear. Hey, baby, it is Arab killing Arab. Who cares?
Alexandra Zavis and Batsheva Sobelman of the Los Angeles Titanic, Jodi Rudoren and Anne Barnard of The New York Times are cheap-thrill whoring journalists who purposely mischaracterize their daily reports out of filthy Gaza and Israel.

If the four girls made their livings on their backs every day, they could not offend rudimentary mores more spectacularly.

They have lied throughout the three weeks of war about who started it, about how the Hamas terrorists gather ignorant women and children about them when they launch rocket attacks on Israel.

The world’s leading criminal enterprise, the United Nations, “found” Hamas terrorist rockets in four U.N. buildings, including two schools. Like good scouts, the brazenly anti-Semitic U.N. stooges returned the unspent rockets to their rightful owners, the terrorists of Hamas. 

Surrounded by bodies of Arab knaves, the duplicitous Ms. Zavis, acting dumber than a dead man, penned another Ain’t It a Shame Gazans Are Dying for this morning’s edition. The evidence of Hamas terrorists using ignorant Gazans as human shields is so stultifying to the girl that, with her computer choking and spitting, she finally wrote those terrible words “human shields,” buried in the 23rd paragraph of her overwrought story. But she place quote marks around the phrase, cynically meaning “I don’t really believe it.” 

Readers of the Titanic and the Times – not to mention their angry, hard left reporters — evidently have not lived long enough to know there are no innocent people in war. Knock off your tears.

Don’t feel sorry for the casualties. These foolish people put the Hamas terrorists in power. Subserviently, this lowest caste of humans has  kept them there.

You don’t cry for people who wittingly sign their own death warrants.

This is the choking air we breathe when liberals are in charge.