Home OP-ED Teachers Reaffirmed as America’s Most Protected Species

Teachers Reaffirmed as America’s Most Protected Species


When my college-age son earns his degree, I hope he chooses teaching – he never will have to worry or work very hard the rest of his days.

Here is the latest reason why – the most intriguing story in this morning’s news.

The Los Angeles Titanic revealed that a three-judge appellate court panel – mindful of the intimidating power of teachers unions – denied the newspaper’s bid to obtain the job performance ratings of LAUSD teachers.

Parentally, Their Honors’ reasoning was: Because. Because we can.

Teachers of widely varying talents are, inarguably, America’s most protected class. Someday we only may be able to view them in natural history museums.

I have a vision:

Clutching the tiny hands of my grandchildren, we are strolling the lush greensward of a heavily tree’d park. Suddenly, we  espy. a sacred teacher. Lawdy me. Heaven has visited earth. In impressive lockstep, all of us fall to the ground in a holy  attempt to genuflect with respect and jaw-dropping awe.

Anyone who has attained the age of 8 has experienced brilliant teachers. Such a child also has beheld whackadoodles who never should have sneaked out of the factory but were lured by the goddess of Tenure.

Here Is the Question

Six weeks ago, when the raw-boned thugs who run the state teachers unions were shocked by a Superior Court judge’s finding that teacher tenure is unconstitutional, I contacted Dave LaRose.

What was the School District superintendent’s opinion of the explosive ruling? 

The question was stillborn.

Mr. LaRose said no constructive purpose would be served by stepping inside the issue and exploring.

Had he said he was employed by the generally single-minded School Board, I would have understood.

If teachers are brazen enough to propagandize, for example, about the gobbledygook “science” of climate warming and global change, why aren’t they confident enough to speak up for themselves, step out of the shadows?

They are public figures.

Employees of the government.

Accountable to no one — except the single-dimension teacher unions.

Teaching — now there is a foolproof, eternally protected future to wish for your kid.