Home OP-ED What Has Happened to Honesty? Israel Is the Underdog

What Has Happened to Honesty? Israel Is the Underdog


[Editor’s Note: As Hamas terrorists continue firing hundreds of rockets into Israel, sending frightened residents underground, our correspondent resumes her daily update.]

Dateline Jerusalem — I am irate. As I look at the sky outside my living room window, it takes on a light gray or silvery cast with charcoal cloud-like smoke drifting across. The smoke emanates  from the non-stop barrage of Palestinian rockets bombarding Israel.  Yet, news around the world refers to Hamas and the Palestinians as “David” with what they describe as their useless rockets and missiles against the big “Goliath” Israel.  Isn't it the other way around? On what planet do these newscasters live?

The arsenal of weapons in Gaza is humongous.  They have tunnels of weapons, mortars, rockets, missiles. Today Israel was the victim of a Palestinian UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) drone loaded with explosives. It  was shot down in a nearby town where I go for medical treatment.  This is the same kind of drone that has killed and maimed American soldiers in Afghanistan. Does it seem to you they have ineffective, primitive weaponry?  They appear to have the latest tools of warfare.

This is not the year 2000 when Hamas launched Qassam1 rockets that had 0.5 kg warheads and a range of 4 km.  Today they have Chinese and Syrian M-302 rockets with 175 kg warheads and a range of 150 km, and R-160 rockets, the Palestinian version of the M-302.  They have the Iranian Fadjr5, which has a 90 kg warhead and a range of 75 km, and more sophisticated Qassams and Grad rockets. 

Every time there is a “cease fire” (I must put that in quotes because only Israel ceases firing), it gives the Palestinians time to build more tunnels to store weapons, breach borders, and re-arm themselves.  Israel supplies them with the concrete as well as electricity, gas, and other supplies.  Instead of using the concrete to build peaceful infrastructure or bomb shelters for its civilian population, the Palestinians shelter their armories.

So far today, my city has been spared the sirens. The constant booms of rockets in other areas cannot be ignored.  They are too loud. My windows shake.  During today's reprieve from rocket fire in my area, I ventured out of my claustrophobic apartment to the bank and supermarket.  The streets were eerily deserted.  Few pedestrians. Even fewer cars.  Usually the streets are full of people enjoying cappuccinos and pastry in outdoor cafes while complaining about traffic congestion.

It is interesting to note.  The word Hamas in Hebrew (from the Bible) means “violence.”  Isn't that appropriate?

L'hitraot.  Shachar