Home OP-ED The Rest of the Fracking Story

The Rest of the Fracking Story


Re “Why Fracking Must Be Stopped”


If you are planning to attend this evening’s Culver City Democratic Club meeting to hear an expert’s treatment of fracking, the latest leftist scare — ain’t ya frightened, Murgatroyd? – digest the following before you get5 behind the wheel.

Hard-breathing arrogance describes the typical chorus anti-fracking “activists” who are dotting our otherwise unblemished landscape these perspiring summer mornings. More nakedly, they have no idea what they are howling about. But it does present as a sacred cause.

Today’s anti-fracking “activists” are the moral equivalent of yesterday’s easy women. The girls did not need a reason to jump into bed. These people, notably noisily under-employed liberals who need to stay active between cashing welfare checks, never have looked past the cover of the anti-fracking tome. If they had, they would be reciting penance this afternoon.

The leaders are sly little scammers.

Two of their favorite hedge terms are “can” and “may.”

As in, on the way home this evening to my wife, I may detour and kill 13 people.

Or I may detour and purchase a tube of unopened toothpaste.

Or, a hurricane may blow Tampa into the Atlantic this afternoon, killing 143,000 persons.

The entire anti-fracking empire is built on the wobbly legs of a man who has been imbibing for seven consecutive days. Don’t push. It will topple and shatter, putting so many leftists out of work.

A casual, not close, analysis of the Fracking 101 lesson reprinted here this morning, suggests that the case by anti-fracking activists maybe the twin brother of Swiss cheese.

The q-and-a essay opens with a harmless definition of fracking, before ending with this beaut:

“But (fracking) can also pollute local air and water and endanger wildlife and human health.”

Which is as silly as saying if fracking results were poured into my soup, I probably would die.

Under the question “where is fracking being done in California?” the last sentence is a qualified gem:

“This geological formation under the San Joaquin and the Los Angeles basins may hold a large amount of dirty, carbon-intensive oil.”

Equally, a bear may step out of the Palms woods this afternoon and eat my car. Or, he may not.


Q: How does fracking contaminate our water?

“Evidence is mounting throughout the country that these chemicals are making their way into aquifers and drinking water.”

Evidence is mounting? Seriously. Your guys are hollering across the nation that fracking in its present state may wipe out our country if we don’t impale ourselves on the engines of fracking companies’ engines.

What is this “may,” “can,” “evidence is mounting” when your cheerleaders tell us the danger is now, not years ahead.