Home News A Birthday Vision for Culver City 97 Years Later

A Birthday Vision for Culver City 97 Years Later


Second of three parts

Re “We Soon Will Turn 100. You Not Only Are Invited but Needed” and “What Distinguishes Culver City, at 97, from its L.A. Neighbors”

[img]1792|right|Jim Clarke||no_popup[/img]Nobody would have been surprised if City Councilman Jim Clarke, the energizer bunny, had turned up as a working member of the Cheer Camp when the School District’s free, seven-week Summer Lunch and Learning program opened at the noon hour at LaBallona Elementary.

Two months into his third year on the City Council, Mr. Clarke has covered more ground in that time than United, Jet Blue and the Wright Brothers, the Smith Brothers and Dr. Joyce Brothers cumulatively. 

At the moment he is stoking interest in the Culver City Centennial Celebration Committee that he is organizing, scripting, motivating – possibly even dressing. Since Culver City’s 100th birthday party won’t begin for a little more than two years, by tomorrow morning Mr. Clarke may board a hushed-up flight to Baghdad to help repel the kerfuffle that the terrorist boys of ISIS are stirring up.

After winning the approval of his City Council mates at 12:15 last Tuesday morning – for the hoped-for year-long Centennial party not the Baghdad outing – Mr. Clarke sat right down and wrote himself and 500 of his closest friends an email the next day, inviting them to join him in becoming amateur party planners.

“I want to do as much as I can to promote this because there always is someone who said he never heard about it,” said the ubiquitous Mr. Clarke.

Why should community persons climb aboard Mr. Clarke’s train?

“One,” said the Councilman, “because it is an opportunity to celebrate what a great city we have here, carrying out the vision of (Founding Father) Harry Culver from a hundred years ago as a great place for families to live, work and play. We want to be able to show off our city and what we have done in those hundred years.”

(To be continued)