Home OP-ED You Must Think All We Do Is Eat

You Must Think All We Do Is Eat


Dateline Dayton — Pauline and I enjoyed an interesting week.

Thursday evening we were treated to dinner at a local restaurant, by my friend and fellow cash register collector, Howard and his wife Marilyn.  I had helped him with his income tax return, and he promised to take us out for dinner. We enjoyed a great meal and conversation.

Friday evening I did get the grass cut. Even though we live in a condo development, we do have a grassy area within our patio,  which is our responsibility.

Saturday morning I worked in the garage, trying to make some progress so that one car will be able to be parked  there in the near future.  I seem to take one step forward and two back, trying to get this project completed.

At noon we left to go downtown to the market. We wanted to show the potter a lamp he made because we would like to have another.  Of course he wasn't there. The person manning his booth took pictures and said that he would call, which hasn't happened. His daughter is in town, he probably is busy, and that is why  he wasn't there Saturday.

After the market and getting something to eat, I was hoping to go to Waynesville and sell the rest of my National Cash Register items, which I wasn't able to move at the garage sales.

Saturday evening we went out to eat with some friends and then to a concert, downtown.  The Dayton Gay Men's Choirs, of which our son, Chris, is a member, were preforming at the Victoria Theater.

The program, “I Am Harvey Milk,” was outstanding. The theater was almost full.  We had seen the Dayton Gay Men's Choirs once before, when they performed at a church in the St. Ann's Hill District.  We were there for a Christmas tour, and they entertained while we waited for our assigned time to leave.

We missed one previous event in which Chris participated because we were out of town.  We also will miss them when they sing the national anthem at a Dayton Dragons baseball game because we will be out of town.

Sunday we went to church early as our granddaughter, Maddie, was to have her final softball game of the season. We were invited.  Since we hadn't heard from our son Bill, we went out for breakfast.  You must think all we do is eat.  While in line for breakfast, Bill called and said we should come because the game was still on, although it had rained and looked as if it could again.

We went right from the restaurant to Cincinnati for the game.  We really wanted to go by the house, change cars and get some jackets, but I didn't think we would have time.  We should have taken the time. It was very cool.  Fortunately, I had a blanket in the car.  It was fun watching Maddie play. This is  her first year. She is good. I was impressed with how patient the coaches were with the girls.  After the game they had a party, where the head coach gave each girl an award, along with a few comments about each girl's accomplishments during the year. 

Sunday evening we went out to eat with Chris.

Monday night I worked in our garage, cleaning all the stuff I had stored atop the freezer, so Pauline can get to the food.

Tuesday Chris and I went to Fifth Third Field to attend a Dragons game. It rained. After en hour we left – before the game was called off. Pauline chose to go to her cross stitch group, which was smart.

Wednesday was my class breakfast, which is always a great time.   Yes, we were eating again.  In the evening Pauline went to a play with Chris, and I spent a little time in the garage, the rest napping in front of the television.

Don't forget, Saturday is Flag Day, be sure to display your flag.

Happy Father's Day!

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net