Home News Weissman or O’Leary for Vice Mayor Tonight?

Weissman or O’Leary for Vice Mayor Tonight?


[img]2122|left|Mehaul O'Leary||no_popup[/img]The only drama at tonight’s 7 o’clock City Council meeting will be confined to the debate over who will succeed Mayor-to-be Meghan Sahli-Wells as vice mayor for the coming year.

Mehaul O’Leary or Andy Weissman?

Councilman Jim Clarke already has very publicly declared he wants to be mayor during Culver City’s centennial year of 2017. And outgoing Mayor Jeff Cooper obviously is not a candidate.

Should Mr. Weissman – halfway through his second term, when term limits will set in — be selected by his Council mates since he never has been a vice mayor?

It is not, however, as if he has been overlooked.

Twice, under unusual circumstances, he was elected mayor without having under gone an apprenticeship in the deputy position.

[img]1305|right|Andy Weissman||no_popup[/img]In his second year on the Council, the well-regarded Mr. Weissman, out of the blue, leapfrogged over Vice Mayor Gary Silbiger, to become mayor. Smoke, thunder and fire followed, and a new supposedly ironclad policy, committed to fairness, was adopted.

Mr. Weissman became mayor a second time after vice mayor Scott Malsin, who was to have inherited the top position, resigned in mid-term from the Council.

In an interview this morning, Mr. O’Leary appeared to favor the selection of Mr. Weissman.

“Andy became mayor twice based on two situations – one that never will be repeated and another that probably will not be repeated,” Mr. O’Leary said.

Is the owner of Joxer Daly’s Irish Pub interested in winning the vice mayor’s job?

“I am, of course,” Mr. O’Leary said. “The roles of vice mayor and mayor are critical, and not only in running the  meetings.

“Either Andy or myself would be perfect candidates.”

Mr. O’Leary said “a part of me feels” empathy for Mr. Weissman. “He became mayor early in his second term,  and then stepping down after that, with so much time left in his second term, well, it is kind of deflating.

“I know there will be a role for Andy in our final year on the Council – regardless.”