Home OP-ED Christopher Patrick King: A Breath of Fresh Air

Christopher Patrick King: A Breath of Fresh Air


[img]2523|right|Sam Page||no_popup[/img]As time marches on and our city moves forward alongside it, the modern times demand modern leaders. I truly believe that Christopher Patrick King is that modern leader. At 31 years old, he is a candidate ready to provide a new, reinvigorated perspective on Culver City’s most pressing issues.

Mr. King has immersed himself in Culver City’s communities. He has plans to enhance citywide unity. Through the creation of the new Neighborhood Advisory Panel, neighborhood associations, service clubs, and parent groups would be linked with the City Council to discuss and resolve the issues most important to our residents.

Despite being the youngest candidate running, Mr. King has no shortage of experience. He owns his own real estate company here in Culver City, putting him in direct contact with the individuals who come to live in our community and what they desire from it.

Through his work, he has gained knowledge that he is prepared to bring to the City Council Chambers. Beyond this, he has shown strong potential as an upcoming public servant, recently receiving the Culver City Democratic Club’s endorsement. While current politicians have shown near-apathy in their approach to fracking in and around Culver City by simply petitioning the state to solve the problem, Mr. King is the only candidate to have gone against the grain and supported a local ban on fracking since the complex topic was brought to the city’s attention.

Truly a man of today’s world, Mr. King has shown great interest in large-scale controversies as well, having researched and written extensively on the topic of LGBTQ rights during his time at UCLA eight years ago.

To put it simply, Mr. King has vast potential. Already equipped with a plethora of experience and brimming with enthusiastic vitality, he is my choice as a Culver City youth to lead our community through the troubles of today.

Mr. Page, a junior at Culver City High School, may be contacted at samuelrobertpage@gmail.com