Home Letters In This Dem Town, Only 97 Belong to the Dem Club? Appalling

In This Dem Town, Only 97 Belong to the Dem Club? Appalling


By Alan Elmont

Why belong to a Club that would have me as a member.
Although I cannot join the Culver City Democratic Club (yet) because I am a militant centrist (not affiliated with any party..any longer) I was shocked…shocked I tell you, to read today in a letter to the editor by Patricia Levinson that the Culver City Democratic Club has a total of 97 paid members. 


In a city of 40,000 with about 26,000 registered voters, that is less than one half of one percent.  Of the 3,000 to 5,000 folks who vote, that is only 2 to 3 percent.  Since I do not know how many of our voters are registered as Democrats, I can only assume this club represents a higher percentage of registered Democrats and an even higher percentage of Democrats who vote.  Nevertheless….97, of whom 58 voted on the endorsements?
Personally, as a voter, I place no value on organizational endorsements.  They are critical, I believe, for financial support for the candidates. But I place far more stock in the endorsements by people I know in our wonderful city and the actions, comments and positions of the candidates.  And yes, I have two lawn signs, for City Council incumbents Jim Clarke and Jeff Cooper Election Day on April 8.
Mr. Elmont may be contacted at