Home Letters Is the Dem Club Democratic? Then Everyone Should Be Allowed a Vote

Is the Dem Club Democratic? Then Everyone Should Be Allowed a Vote


By Alan Corlin

Re “Ready? Aim. But Don’t Fire Over Bullet Voting at the Dem Club”

Regarding bullet voting at the Culver City Democratic Club endorsement meeting this month, Pat Levinson stated in her letter yesterday that “each candidate is welcome to ‘stack the house’ with his or her people, whom they assume will vote for them.  That’s what happens on every Election Day in every precinct.  ‘Get Out the Vote!’ is the mantra for every candidate.”

I submit that “Get Out the Vote” has an entirely different meaning when, in order to vote, one has to pay $30 for the privilege.

Indeed, if one has to pay to join the Democratic Club (most clubs have dues), should not everyone who pays be able to vote?

What reason does the Culver City Democratic Club have for only allowing certain members to vote on endorsements?

Why not let all members who pay dues vote, Ms. Levinson?’

Mr. Corlin, a former mayor of Culver City, may be contacted at ad747@lafn.org